The top end of the garden
By Andrewr
- 5 May, 2010
This is the top end of my back garden at the end of the view from the house. In January a witch hazel supplies early colour. At this time of year, there are small rhodos in flower. Soon there will be astrantias on the right and later a rose on the back fence, followed by hydrangea quercifolia. The apple tree was one of only two plants in the back garden when I came here in 1984.
You can just make out Bruno on the left, standing by the entrance ot the new piece of garden (the 'Bit on the Side')
Comments on this photo
Very nice, do you get lots of apples?
11 May, 2010
SK - this tree was here when I bought the house in 1984. It has got into a one-good-year-one bad-year cycle. The fruit are fairly small and the birds get many of them but I get some as well
12 May, 2010
It does a great job of blocking the house the other side of the fence - much prettier to look at.
16 May, 2010
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that looks nice Andrew
6 May, 2010