Poor old cottage at the moment
By Janey

7 May, 2010
This is the front of our cottage at the moment...all the old rendering is being taken off. Hopefully it'll be re-pointed with lime mortar if the stonework proves to be okay.
Comments on this photo
hope it all goes well....
7 May, 2010
Lots of work there is'nt there.
7 May, 2010
hope it goes ok janey,i take it you will leave it stone look then, i love the natural stone look ;o))
7 May, 2010
Bet it will be absolutely grand when it's all pointed up. Lovely cottage!
7 May, 2010
It looks dreadful now like that, but It will be nice to expose the stonework
7 May, 2010
hywel your looking great tonight, new hairdo ;o))
7 May, 2010
lol !
7 May, 2010
hahahah ;o))
7 May, 2010
It is a mess right now, but the boys have been so busy and the stonework mainly is fine which means we'll have it looking stone...which is great!! Another couple of weeks then it should be done.....shall post a pic then of it...:o)
Lol San...that's a good one of you Hywel....like your new specs...:o))`
7 May, 2010
lol janey..look forward to seeing it all finished janey,,,
7 May, 2010
I really do have specs Janey, and unruley hair lol
7 May, 2010
Lol you Hywel......I don't remember you being a gingernut though...:o))
7 May, 2010
Yes I am :o) - well I was very ginger at one time but it's gone a bit darker now . And I used to have a ginger moustache at one time aswell lol
7 May, 2010
Now you must find some photos Hywel so we can have a good look...:o)))
8 May, 2010
lol... Maybe ;o)
8 May, 2010
two of my brothers are red heads hywel,my mum was strawberry blonde, lovely ;o))
8 May, 2010
I love red hair......My daughter.s best friend who she's known from school has the most amazing bronze coloured hair and hazel eyes.....just beautiful!! My great grandad Stuart who was Scottish, had brilliant red hair and beard, and met my great grandma coming down the steps of a dentist in Edinburgh, he took one look at her and told her he would marry her........and he did....:o)) Ooh I like a decisive man...Lol!
8 May, 2010
aww what a lovely story about your great grandmar janey , love at first sight ;o))
8 May, 2010
Hywel you are looking soooo handsome ..
You will be happy when the work is finished Janey at least you should never have to do it again , it will look great , I shall look forward to seeing the photo .. :o)
11 May, 2010
love ur cottage how old is it?
11 May, 2010
Another week or two Amy and it should be done....the stonework is mostly good but theres a few bits of making up which will take a bit of time.
Thanks Cristina, we thinks its at least 200 years old....it seems funny to think those stones haven't been seen in all that time!
12 May, 2010
we have a cottage allso bt 170 years old ,just wud not live in a new house ,wud you .they have bin loved 4 years wth so much history.
12 May, 2010
I don't think I could Cristina...but could live happily in a barn conversion, I love old and new together...:o) Lets have a look at yours? Do you have a pic in your gallery of photos?
12 May, 2010
yes 1 or 2 of the out side and one in side, wud love to post sum more inside but not sure if u shud wot do u think lol. x yes barn con ,i wud as well. like to mix a bit of new in wth the old as well . i kinder like i a bit of kitch country style of decorating . it the creative steak in me i think, am a hairdresser and known 4 my wedding styles, wotdo u do r u working .
13 May, 2010
I'm off to have a look at yours Cristina......I'm sure it will be fine posting more pics of your interior....house and garden..it's all your home...:o) Since we came back to live in England...I've been home helping, I spent years having a good job with a top supermarket chain, then when we returned I worked for M&S but couldn't adapt to the regime after having so much freedom. Now I am happy thinking my own thoughts whilst still being busy. I love travelling. my garden, wild-life and my camera.....can't wait for pension time...Lol!!
13 May, 2010
yer me too lol, but dont think it gona happen any time soon . they wont let me. lots of fun wth garden and camra . ENJOY
14 May, 2010
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Oh dear, that looks like a lot of work (and mess!) Hope it will soon be put to rights and you will be back to normal.
7 May, 2010