another fuchsia and dwarf sweetpeas
By Sanbaz

7 May, 2010
Comments on this photo
me to steve i have the names but couldnt be bothered to go out its so cold tonight , i had lovely sweetpeas lastyear but when i got these didnt realise they were the dwarf ones so may get the tall ones to.
7 May, 2010
Never heard of dwarf sweet peas before. looks nice.
7 May, 2010
i got them at plant place near burnside, i havent seen them before myself, but they have grown alot since i got them,
7 May, 2010
Handy to know...
7 May, 2010
Don't know if mine ar dwarf ones or not. Just says Sweet pea bedding plants on tag
7 May, 2010
they will be tall ones steve, would say if dwarf i just didnt read label,
7 May, 2010
Yes they would say if they where dwarf....
7 May, 2010
Nice planter too Sandra!
8 May, 2010
thanx carole ;o))
8 May, 2010
Your pot will be colourful when they flower Sandra - I have not heard of dwarf sweet peas before either :-)
9 May, 2010
thanx richard im looking forward to seeing what they turn out like and if they have a scent to ;o)
9 May, 2010
Hope they do Sandra -I remember you had some lovely sweet peas last year, the tall variety :-)
9 May, 2010
yes they were stunning last year, i may get them again when back off holidays if i can get some,
9 May, 2010
Didn't you save the seeds Sandra? Mind you having said that I have never saved the sweet pea seeds before but suppose you could do :-)
9 May, 2010
i did try but when i opened the pods it was like sawdust, so dont know what went wrong there richard ;o(, think i have some free seeds somewhere, i cant set any seeds till after my holidays not fare to son to have to look after them all, so maybe try them when back it will still be may, ;o)
10 May, 2010
Yes there is plenty of time Sandra-hope you have a good time on your hols :-)
10 May, 2010
ok will do them then richard, go next monday so hope no more trouble with flights ;o(
10 May, 2010
I hope you get away and back OK Sandra-and then have pleasant weather when you are there-well it should be better than the UK at least :-)
10 May, 2010
should be about 30c or more, cant wait and hopefully nicer here when back ;o)) thanx richard
10 May, 2010
Should be much better when you come back Sandra. You will have a lot of posts to catch up with then - you'll be kept busy for the following -unless you have access to the net while you are away :-)
10 May, 2010
i could get online when away but i wont, i quite enjoy the break, sometimes it gets to much trying to play catch up as much as i enjoy it all, so a total break when away, then i take my time when im back inbetween doing the garden and back in work lol ;o))
11 May, 2010
Sounds a good method Sandra. I expect you are counting down the days-it will be nice to get away from this cold weather and enjoy a bit of sun for a change :-)
11 May, 2010
it sure will richard, im going to call about my ordered tree tomoz, was hoping it would arrive by tomoz as im working and then going away, hope they get it to me this week ;o(
11 May, 2010
Hope you get it this week too Sandra, though if it does come when you are away it will be OK as long as it is watered. I would think it would be fine until you get back home... little job for your :-)
11 May, 2010
lol richard,it may be bare rooted so not sure , i will call them tomoz and see whats said .
11 May, 2010
OK Sandra good idea :-)
11 May, 2010
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I love Fuchsia. So pretty. Got a sweetpea growing in my border.
7 May, 2010