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Aquilegia...poor thing!


By Lori

Aquilegia...poor thing!

it's sooo cold. this poor plant has been valiantly trying to blossom...

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It really does look sorry for itself. Spring will come - I promise !!

11 May, 2010


It has been seasonable today for the first day in over two weeks...but last night there was frost on the roofs and on the lawns along the street...My garden is fenced but there seems to be enough air circulation that it is protected. This poor plant, (and others), are really was unseasonably warm for a few weeks then the temps went in the opposite direction!

13 May, 2010


I hope all is well with you Lori. I have to admit that the weather is not too brilliant here either!! We alternate between endless showers (and downpours) to be followed by hot sticky bouts of sand impreganted air (blowing in from the Sahara !!) ...

14 May, 2010


Krikey! that sounds terrible... They give that wind a name don't they...the Scirocco...or something like that? People get tetchy and twitchy??? lol....

14 May, 2010

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