Sweep our rabbit
By Great
- 13 May, 2010
Sweep eating the strawberry plants. Er no strawberries yet Sweep! you'll have to wait!!
Comments on this photo
Some times he helps us all type!! he follows me into the kitchen and walks up and down with me.
13 May, 2010
Oh she is gorgeous lovely photo.
13 May, 2010
He sixpence lol
14 May, 2010
He then lol
14 May, 2010
cute little bunny ;o))
14 May, 2010
Sweeping up everything in it's path!! lol
A real cutie:0)
15 May, 2010
Oh naughty naughty bunny lol!
23 May, 2011
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Absolutely cute!!!
13 May, 2010