Rodgersia podophylla..
By Mushybanna

16 May, 2010
I don't believe it !!! This was flowering on the 12th now its dead!!!!
Any one got any ideas!!
Comments on this photo
Thought frost, too - but you'd know that. Vine weevil?? Just stabbing, here - what a real shame. :-((
16 May, 2010
They are hardy plants but I still wonder if a late frost could have damaged the new young shoots? Slugs can be a problem with the new growth on this plant but would it then look like this?
16 May, 2010
It does look like frost to me, what a shame, anything else been affected? dont think it would be it in a very exposed position Mushy?
16 May, 2010
Palmate, it definitely looks like frost damage to me. Even though I never get frost in my garden...I know what frost damage looks like. : > )
17 May, 2010
It could well be frost as we had a couple of cold frosty mornings last week ..
18 May, 2010
That's probably it. Hopefully, you won't be getting any more frosty mornings soon!
19 May, 2010
Hope not guess what ..By friday could be 25degrees ...SOME WARMTH at last
19 May, 2010
It's been around that same temp here for the last couple of days.
19 May, 2010
Yes, I agree, it's definitely something that's affected the outer leaves so frost is the obvious answer, unless someone has sprayed something nasty near your plant! hope it is now recovering!
24 May, 2010
The only thing that has been near it are children ..AAr goodness knows what nasty thing children can spray anywhere let alone plants.LOL..;o))))
24 May, 2010
24 May, 2010
Frost damage? may not be dead will need time to recover
16 May, 2010