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A garden flower photo

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Thats gorgeous Cristina...what a beautiful Rhododendron...:o)

19 May, 2010


its not fully out yet ,but wen it is ...... wow ,my fav. had it years x

19 May, 2010


Very pretty ....

19 May, 2010



19 May, 2010


absolutely beautiful

20 May, 2010


I can understand why its your favourite, its beautiful.

22 May, 2010


thanxs stoller

22 May, 2010


Hi cristina, love the rhody - did you test your soil before planting or did you plant it and hope for the best? I recently got 3 at an auction, (mentioned in my blog), as they were soooo beautiful and exotic looking - completely without thinking about the soil type. I know they have ericaceous soil in a pot but I've planted one in the garden and am keeping fingers crossed it will grow ok

27 May, 2010

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