Here comes Patty!
By Spritzhenry

24 May, 2010
Oriental poppy 'Patty's Plum' has her first flower today.
Comments on this photo
I haven't tried doing it, Trees - but now you've mentioned it, I 'should' have a go - I might need some advice, though, please.
24 May, 2010
I have the salmon pink one and my first flower appeared yesterday. I collected the seeds and set them in early Autumn last year and ended up with hundreds. Do you think the seeds from Patty would come true? Maybe worth a try, so easy to grow them from seed.
24 May, 2010
No idea, Dawn. It 'is' worth a try, though. :-))
24 May, 2010
Oooh Spritz.....Mine havent opened yet....she's so lovely... Root cuttings are really easy...:>)
25 May, 2010
Yeah, root cuttings I've heard are easy - keep meaning to try some. Anyone know what time of year you're meant to do it? I have a lovely one called Pink Ruffles that looks like someone's attacked the flowers with a pair of scissors lol - just got my first flower open on the weekend :-)
25 May, 2010
I have 'Ruffled Patty' Sarah - AND she has buds on her!! Can't wait to see her. :-)))))
Maybe we should post a question about root cuttings - I have a feeling it's when the poppies first appear in early spring.
25 May, 2010
Ive done root cuttings after flowering and at the begining of the year. They are 95% successful.
You can either lift the whole plant out, some roots will snap off and a new plant will re grow from these. Once plant is lifted or clear away some soil to get to the roots, cut roots about 1-2" long make sure you remember which way is down, then replant either in cells or 4 to a small pot. In a free draining gritty mix. Water and leave some where to keep an eye on.
Dont forget you will get leaves before roots so give them time.
I have done this several times but I have only labled as poppy, so I will do more but lable properly.
You can also use this method for Acanthus (Bears breeches).
Good luck everyone who is going to try.
25 May, 2010
Thanks, Dan. Is it OK if I copy and paste that info next to my plants on my page, please?
25 May, 2010
I don't have room for these large poppies, but Patty's Plum is gorgeous! Love it!
25 May, 2010
They do take up a lot of room, Karen...she has to be my favourite...but I'll wait and see about the 'Frilly Patty'!!!
25 May, 2010
early spring for root cuttings tends to work best for me Spritz. so pleased she is putting on her show for you.
25 May, 2010
Thanks Dan - I certainly hope to get around to it some time this summer....will give it a go after flowering. Can I expect the cuttings to flower the following year?
25 May, 2010
Goo old Patty always shows up.......a bit of a party girl really!!
25 May, 2010
26 May, 2010
I have taken cuttings last year and they went in the ground early this year and they are all going to have flowers this year except one. Once these large poppies have finished flowering chop them right down to the soil and if you are really lucky they might make another show later in the year.
26 May, 2010
Yes, I do that - but one of my Pattys didn't come back up again! :-(((((((
26 May, 2010
My Pattys is in full bud, but no flowers as yet. The salmon pink one I have has been in flower for days - last year just two buds, this year 6, so it is doing well. I shall try the root cuttings too. Thanks for the info on the root cuttings Trees. I used to dislike the "blousy" poppies, but now I love them, I have even got the gaudy red ones which I inherited when we bought the house and I used to pull them out by the barrow load, but I leave them now.
27 May, 2010
Thanks for the info Dan.
Just for interest, I've got a large red one in a prominent position and of course it leaves a big gap during summer after it's finished, so I keep a couple of large containers of plants handy and put one of those in the space - just in front or to one side of the crown of course - and it works out quite well.
27 May, 2010
I have pots of lilies, Sarah...they're good 'gap fillers'. :-))
27 May, 2010
Me too! x-)
27 May, 2010
AND, being in pots means that I can 'get' the red perils much more easily. Several a day now!
27 May, 2010
Yeah, I've found a few too...Grrrrrrrr!!!! I actually tipped out and repotted ALL my lillies into fresh compo last year in the hope that would reduce their numbers....doesn't seem to have had any effect tho :-S
27 May, 2010
No - I don't think it does. They seem to find their way all round my garden - how??
27 May, 2010
Know how you feel. None of my neighbours grow lillies either and I've only got a few. Was hoping the hard winter had done for them..... :-S
28 May, 2010
Feisty little beasts, aren't they...:-((((
28 May, 2010
You can do root cuttings of some geraniums too, Spritz - Sanguiniums for example.
29 May, 2010
I certainly don't need to with the sangineums, Wagger - but I'll be reading my Geranium book to see if some of the others could be 'done' - the ones that don't produce seed pods. :-)))
29 May, 2010
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Papaver Orientale
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Papaver Orientale 'Patty's Plum'
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I have red, orange and white ones but not Pattys plum. If you ever take some root cuttings, then let me know.
24 May, 2010