Finally it's Iris time!
By Lori

26 May, 2010
Comments on this photo
They look lovely there.
26 May, 2010
just next to the pond is the yellow leaves of the trandescantia... it has huge purple/blue's just starting too...they should put on a good show together...
27 May, 2010
I can see it - I like the golden leaved form. I had to use all my will power earlier today - there was a stall selling Tradescantia with deep cerise pink flowers.....drool...... But sadly, I REALLY haven't got any more room... really...REALLY..... :-(
27 May, 2010
Poor you, Sid!.... perhaps researching the hanging gardens of Babylon would give you some extra-spatial ideas! lol....I know how that is...(terribly frustrating). : - } ...
27 May, 2010
Sid! check it out! the Reblooming Iris
27 May, 2010
Oooo - thanks for that Lori! Very interesting!
3 Jun, 2010
if you have the yellow water iris, will need to wrangle it into a small space and be prepared for a stampede! my neice has it ... it works well for her..she has plenty of room and a number of ponds and even has seed. lol... it's really quite hardy and very pretty in bloom!
3 Jun, 2010
Yes - it grows wild here in fact! I always think it's a bit odd tho when you come across a remote pond in the middle of a wood and there are yellow flags growing there......I mean, how did they ever get there??!! I'm sure a bit of human intervention must be involved....!! The seeds aren't winged are they?
4 Jun, 2010
No, sorry, Sarah. What I've seen of the seed they are middle brown, a flattened sphere...about the size of your little fingernail... quite large as seeds go, but very light...(they float) ... do you have water mammals(muskrats?) that might chew on the rhizomes or transport them. Some seeds will only germinate if they go thro a digestive tract first!
4 Jun, 2010
Can't think of any mammals that would transport them - unless deer eat them and then they'd have to poop in a pond LOL
4 Jun, 2010
From what I know of deer, they are not worried about where they I guess it's possible...
5 Jun, 2010
7 Jun, 2010
stunning, im having a good look through your pics, sorry cant comment on all, so many, but its a haven, so beautifull, i love all the plants and flowers, just how i like a garden, full, full, full lol
15 Sep, 2010
Thanks San!
16 Sep, 2010
Love this even more!
4 Oct, 2010
Thanks M!
4 Oct, 2010
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I understand completely ;-) So Exciting isn't it!!
26 May, 2010