Kigelia africana - Young Sausage tree fruits developing
By Delonix1

28 May, 2010
This old Sausage tree was developing its young sausage-type pods in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken May 27, 2010. Posted for my GoY friend Terratoonie.
Comments on this photo
28 May, 2010
...And why is that? LOL! : > )
Grandmage, thanks!
29 May, 2010
I'm sure one day with all the different trees you have there your going to post a pic of a bacon tree .....LOL.....:o>)))))
29 May, 2010
You never know...I've posted so many exotic plants...there's always more to come. : > )
30 May, 2010
Yes, this tree is an oddity. It was always planted in botanical
these trees are becoming popular in the home landscape. There's some old large trees around. I started two from seeds a couple months ago. I hope one day they'll become a large tree..
17 Jun, 2010
Good pic. missed this previously !
3 Sep, 2010
Did you ever get a chance to see my seedlings I posted about 3 weeks ago?
3 Sep, 2010
Yes, thanks Delonix.
I gave each a "like" and put them on GoYpedia Sausage Trees, but forgot to add comments at the time. !
3 Sep, 2010
Thanks! I probably didn't notice the ''like', sorry! : > )
3 Sep, 2010
How wonderful a tree can produce such things.
29 Jan, 2011
The sausage-like seed pods grow to almost 3ft/1m long.
30 Jan, 2011
2ft less than me haha what a size suprised the tree can handle all that wieght for so many are they heavy.
30 Jan, 2011
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Hehehe i always laugh when i see these sausage's hanging from the tree..
28 May, 2010