By Skillen

29 May, 2010
I have added these mirrors to the back of the garage wall where nothing will grow.
it really makes a difference!
Comments on this photo
Thanks for your comments Amy, we don't get a lot of birds in our garden. In saying that within a few minutes of putting these up Felix decided to try and jump through one of them. Fortunately he hasn't tried it again lol.
29 May, 2010
LOL.. he will soon learn Skillen ... maybe he is why you don't have many birds , I'm still tempted to try one !
29 May, 2010
I think he learned that one straight away Amy lol. It's the best thing i did to that wall and i love it. it's really nice sitting up there by the pond now. Maybe i'll do a miniture version of that living wall you saw at urban jungle on there too it's worth thinking about.
29 May, 2010
They certainly look great!
29 May, 2010
The living wall is a great idea Skillen there are so many different ways you could do it ... I'd love to see a photo if you ever get around to doing it .... :o)
29 May, 2010
Like the Mirror idea where did you buy them and did they come with shutters.
30 May, 2010
Thanks Bjs, i got them from ebay and they came with the shutters, i love them they are really effective. they just hook on the wall like a picture and i'd take them down over the winter so the shutters don't rot.
30 May, 2010
Wow, they look amazing, what a great idea for an area where nothing grows..
30 May, 2010
Thanks Daisy :~)).
30 May, 2010
Think they look brill.
30 May, 2010
I attached a large mirror(old mirror wardrobe door) to the back of an archway in my garden and they do give another dimension don't they! No problems with injured birds...they sit under the arch, use the honeysuckle branches as a swing and chirp away to the 'other' bird in the mirror!
31 May, 2010
Amy, i'll keep you updated on the wall, i think it requires a bit of thought but i'm really keen on the idea though not on such a large scale.
Peonyrose that sounds like an awsome idea! any pics of that?
31 May, 2010
Have put on a couple of pics of my mirror arch today Skillen.
2 Jun, 2010
Thanks Peonyrose, i'll take a look :~)).
2 Jun, 2010
love them, i want some to ;o)
9 Jun, 2010
Ebay San he he! :~)).
9 Jun, 2010
will take a look thanx ;o))
9 Jun, 2010
you wont have the same problem with birds and mirrors as you do with glass as birds never fly into each other .
honestly .
have you seen the millions of starlings in italy swarming in beautiful patterns before they roost . there are so many that they drop 6 tons of poo per night wear ever they roost which isnt so funny if your cars under them i guess lol .
my sister has a big kitchen window and we stould in her garden when a thrush flew strate into the window killing itself stone dead .
11 Nov, 2010
Thanks for sharing that Leigh, lol, This is the wall that i'm going to put your felix present :~))). x
11 Nov, 2010
i mite keep it . im warming to it lol . pitty it would of looked lovley there lol x .
12 Nov, 2010
Very funny Leigh, so i dont need to come anymore lol xx
13 Nov, 2010
ow you dont like the jag . i understand . like youd let me keep felix if i did want to keep it you bully lol xx .
13 Nov, 2010
Really amazing use of the wall Skillen...I can see that without them it would look a bit dull but doesn't it look wonderful now? What about another of those beautiful Hydrangea Petiolaris..the climbing Hydrangea you have on the front of the house...they can grow pretty well anywhere?
20 Dec, 2010
Thankyou Karen, i'm really chuffed with these, one of my better ideas he he. I'm going to put an outdoor picture of Felix my cat (which Leigh made for me) on there as well. I did wonder what i could plant there so thanks for that. Can you get them in other colours?
23 Dec, 2010
Fraid not Skillen, only white..but they are beautiful and white on a shady wall is always brightening isn't it?
24 Dec, 2010
you could easily paint them but i cant help but notice you already have 2 colours lol .youl just have to give the paint a key . did you say some dodgy bald tattood southern type made you a lovley cat to put on your wall lol x x
ps ya bully lol
30 Dec, 2010
See....there it is again! ;)
31 Dec, 2010
theres what again karen ? x
31 Dec, 2010
.......cheekiness! ;))
1 Jan, 2011
Brilliant! love them!
11 Jul, 2011
i think if you were to hang a concrete skull with a fishes tail up there next to say the felix 3-d picture will look pucker lol x xx xx
12 Jul, 2011
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I saw some at a national trust house Skillen , I think they look lovely but we have so many birds that hit our windows we have had to put stickers of birds of prey on them to stop them hitting them , I'm sure they would try to fly through a mirror , I didn't dare get any ....
29 May, 2010