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At LastI've got a frog!


By Skillen

At LastI've got a frog!

Can you see it lol.

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Yes. I can see the frog. :o)

29 May, 2010


you've got good eyesite TT lol

29 May, 2010


The computer screen kindly enlarges the pic for me ;o)

29 May, 2010


lol, hope you are well and that Conker and truffle are enjoying the good weather x

29 May, 2010



29 May, 2010


thats great.

29 May, 2010


Even I can see him. Must ask, What plants have you got in your pond and what size is it please Skillen?

30 May, 2010


I can see him to.

30 May, 2010


Hi Great, sorry for the delay in answering your question, I haven't been on here for a while.
I find it really difficult to grow plants in my pond i do have a miniture lily which has come back this year but it doesn't flower. i have spent an absolute fortune on lilies over the years lol. The marshmarigold i got in april looks as if it will be okay, touch wood. The others i got are watermint and purple loosestrife and also a type of grass thing so i'll see how they grow lol. The pond is about 8ft by 4ft, it's kind of heart shaped, if you look at my pics you'll get a better idea.

7 Jun, 2010


Thanks so much skillen. why do you spend a lot on pond plants = do they die on you? Your water mint looks really healthy. Where do you buy them from. Cant find any around here!!

7 Jun, 2010


I normally buy most of them when i go to york to visit my mum, they have quite a few pond plant specialised shops there. Do you have a wyvales near you? They sell quite a variety, you can buy marsh marigold from most places as they're not particularly pond plants though they may take over your whole pond lol. It's strange that you can't find any pond suppliers in London, i would have thought there would have been plenty!
Yes they do die on me! even the ones that people say don't touch as they will take over. I've no idea why this happens. It is sooooo frustrating as the fish do need cover.
What about looking at a few websites and just buying a few to start with. I looked at one recently i'll find out the name and let you know.

7 Jun, 2010


Hi Great, just type in merebrook pond plants into your browser. They have every type of plant you could think of and also helpful info, prices not bad either.
Best of luck and let me know how you get on.

7 Jun, 2010


Thankyou so much Skillen. I will have a look at the week end when I have more time thanks again

8 Jun, 2010



8 Jun, 2010


nice one skillen, i have two in mine, casper keeps chasing them, but funny when he gets the taste on his tongue, he coughs and renches haha, i have to tell him off though, naughty boy

9 Jun, 2010


I think there may be a few more in there, lol have you seen casper chasing them? felix did once and all i saw was the frog leaping into the pond followed closely be F who nearly fell in too, it was really funny.

9 Jun, 2010


yes he chased one today skillen, looks for them in plants round the garden, so funny, not sure if they would hurt one cause of taste, dont like it ;o))

9 Jun, 2010



11 Jul, 2011

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