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Rose-breasted Grosbeak Male


By Diohio

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Male

Two pair of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks showed up in my yard a couple of days ago. They should stay and nest here now for the summer. This is the male. The female looks much different.

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Beautiful photo! Haven't gotten any of these yet this year; they usually visit a bit and move on, but once nested nearby and returned to feed all summer. Fingers crossed for this year...

7 May, 2008


Wow, great shot.! I've not seen one of these in years, and then they only hung around for a few days... just passing though, apparently on their way to your yard !

8 May, 2008


what a lovely bird

8 May, 2008


Very nice close-up of the rose-breasted grosbeak. I have not seen any yet this year, but have seen a few evening grosbeaks.

11 May, 2008


Wow, lucky you, I love birds of all kinds.

19 May, 2008

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