Geraniums Galore
By Mavisc52

30 May, 2010
I think this Phaeum is Liuidum it has pale lilac flowers
Comments on this photo
The phaeum geranium group is an all time favourite as well.I look forward to these flowering, I have four all together.
17 Feb, 2011
You know lots about geraniums !
I've not learnt much about these ...
17 Feb, 2011
As geranium's are my favourite perennial I tend to glean any information that I can about them, and of course G.o.Y. is the perfect place. There are quite a few G.o.Y.ers that know's load's Spritzhenry being one of them. :0)
17 Feb, 2011
There are one or two interesting geranium pics on photos by GoY member Inverglen ...
17 Feb, 2011
I have had a look at them Terratoonie and put them on my favourite,s, that way I can use them as reference.....thank,s Is Inverglen still about?
17 Feb, 2011
No, I don't think Inverglen is still visiting GoY ...
... a while back, he kindly sent me some geraniums ...
... I'll have a look to see which ones survived the winter ...
Although I don't generally grow geraniums, the ones he sent are very nice ...
... and Gee19 sent me a cute pink-flowered geranium, which is on my blog "Gromit's Gravel Gardens" ... 7 July, 2010.
17 Feb, 2011
I am not sure which one that is Terratoonie but is a nice one,I keep saying no more but I can't resist them.I bought myself a couple at Morrison's last week with my birthday money and have planted them up today. Do you have a favourite plant?
17 Feb, 2011
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They put on a good display, don't they :o)
16 Feb, 2011