Wildlife Border

4 Jun, 2010
I think you can just about see my Variegated Buddleia, this is just
its 2nd year...Sorry, forgotten name of the other plant, i know it
really attracts the Bees & Butterflys...
Comments on this photo
Is it Nepeta Fp....I have this too.........
5 Jun, 2010
........is also known as cat mint, have one of these too.......my cats don't bother about it till it dies back and dries out......then they go absolutley mad for it!!!
6 Jun, 2010
Thanks, Janey, i just could not think of the name of it, until it was in front of
me...: ~ ))
I believe that is the common name for this plant, Angels of m
`How many cats do you have?
Shinobi, i find the variegated types of any plants are not so hardy, they need
more TLC...
6 Jun, 2010
Have two cats Freesia.....did have a dog also but lost him to cancer last September. .......God bless him.....
Only know the common names for plants........so much easier to spell and pronounce!! ....
6 Jun, 2010
Thanks for coming back to me with your answer....2 cats, i bet they are good company for each other....do they miss your dear departed dog Angels of m?
so sad, when you lose those close to you, i do feel for you, i can tell you,
are still hurting....
6 Jun, 2010
They are good company for each other, love chasing each other round the garden.......so love to watch them, they are good company when im gardening....they love coming to have a nose at what im doing....
Yes it still a little raw....but i guess time heals all.......the cats did miss him to begin with.....but not bothered now
7 Jun, 2010
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Hi freesiaperson, I have a buddleia in my wildlife garden but its not variegated LOL..... Yours looks so nice!!!!
5 Jun, 2010