Iris Sibirica 'Tropic Night'
By Karensusan63

7 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
Gosh, I'm surprised!
7 Jun, 2010
Gorgeous Iris and photo:-) mine aren't in flower yet either:-(, mine are yellow and white, love these as you don't have to remember to keep divided like the bearded.
7 Jun, 2010
I find them much easier to grow, although I bought some of the dwarf bearded 'cherry garden' yesterday as I just love the colour and used to have them in my old garden. This garden is slowly becoming just like the old one!
7 Jun, 2010
Lots of my stuff is really from my old garden. I dug and divided and needed to hire a small van when we moved !!
7 Jun, 2010
They are putting on a lovely display, Karen.
7 Jun, 2010
Yes, me too Ann!
7 Jun, 2010
We did the same, thought we might need two vans!! lol have just put a pic on of ours, it is such a colourful iris.
7 Jun, 2010
We actually did our entire move ourselves with a big hired van. I spent the next 3 months in pain with sciatica! We did three runs, one of which was the plant run....but can you believe it - someone pinched half of my plants in between runs!!
7 Jun, 2010
We did too Karensusan a van and a couple of friends, we rented while ours was being built had pots of plants sunk in the ground all over the rented house garden looked bare when we left.
Cheeky pinching your plants, we had a laurel hedge pinched been planted two years, then suddenly disappeared, the things people steal.
7 Jun, 2010
Unbelievable, never heard of people pinching plants before, whatever next!! we even bought 2 stone sinks with us, the removal men could not wait for us to empty them so picked them up with all the plants and put them on the van, we had more plants than furniture lol
7 Jun, 2010
:)))) can just picture their faces!!
8 Jun, 2010
My ex thought I was mad, I'm glad to see it's not only me!! It would have cost a small fortune to fill my garden from scratch. I had an arrangement with the man who owned the new house, he let me start bringing van loads the week before we moved :-))
8 Jun, 2010
Good for you! I can't imagine leaving here and not taking half the garden with me!
8 Jun, 2010
DD, I had a feeling that i knew who was responsible....but what can you do without any proof? It really made me mad mad mad!!
8 Jun, 2010
The old garden looked good too, I replanted a piece of everything I took apart from a few shrubs and roses. The lady who bought the house admitted she was buying my garden not the cottage :-)))
8 Jun, 2010
Ha! We were a bit like that too. Sold our old house to a couple of design academics who loved the garden! I left it intact like you, except for a few clems and the Cornus Kousa which promptly died on me....I've felt bad about that ever since!!
8 Jun, 2010
The old plants are my treasured babies :-)))
8 Jun, 2010
8 Jun, 2010
I did just the same Karensusan, took my lovely acer which didn't survive here far too windy, should have left it where it was:-(
Same here Annella lots of my perennials had been given to me by my Dad who's now dead, loved his garden, which I think has been flattened by new owners, but at least loads of his plants survive here :-)
8 Jun, 2010
Oh no. I'd hate anyone to flatten my garden or my Mum's garden. That would be really hard to take! Still, you have to let go don't you.....:(( People are very different.
8 Jun, 2010
lovely karen, i have some iris apearing ;o)
8 Jun, 2010
Yay! I just have these so far, but there are some other ones budding up too!
8 Jun, 2010
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7 Jun, 2010