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By Sanbaz


ive had to move feeders away from lawn as to keep pigeons away, im only get an odd one now but makes it hard to catch close pics of the bird from the house now, the bird station isnt in place yet just lent against fence but still gets the little birds glad to say

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I'm glad they have still found them San . they are such pretty little birds , I have taken the feeders down because of the rats , the rat man has been and put poison down I have been putting dishes of food where I can see them and take them in at night ...

7 Jun, 2010


thanx amy, yes thats the trouble with feeding birds can cause rats and pigeons, all vermin unfortunatly, so i have this one feeder for finches and a mixed seed feeder on tree stump, both hard for pigeons to get to, its alot better this way,

7 Jun, 2010


I think so San , we can give them a little more in the cold weather .......

7 Jun, 2010


Great to see these little birds.....

7 Jun, 2010


thats true amy, when they need it most ;o))
yes it is dotty ;o))

7 Jun, 2010


I am so envious of you Sandra, no Finches so far on my Niger seed feeder. : o ) ) ) )

8 Jun, 2010


aww i do hope you get some soon, i get thistle seeds and then found out its all the same seed,, yet niger seed cost more, and i cant get it near me so i always get thistle seed and it works ;o))

8 Jun, 2010

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