Hackneyrobin's Profile

About me
I have a little garden in Hackney which, although close to central London, can be incredibly peaceful (sometimes). It has a small and very pretty crab apple tree and lots of ivy at the back. It also has a peach tree planted by a previous owner which is at least handy for hanging bird feeders on! I grow spring bulbs, roses, dahlias, verbena bonariensis, gauras, aquilegias, yellow loosestrife, honesty, sedums, potatoes, garlic, tomatoes, various herbs and more.
Visitors include a growing flock of house sparrows, robins, blackbirds, wrens, dunnocks, great, blue and long-tailed tits, chaffinches, jays, woodpigeons and collared doves and even goldfinches, blackcaps and a greater spotted woodpecker have graced me with their presence. Then there are various kinds of butterflies, and, of course, the foxes and the local feline community...
I am no garden designer and reckon that flowers can never really look 'wrong.' My aims for my garden are to attract wildlife, have lots of scent and also to have plenty of white flowers - that show up after dark.
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Joined in Jan 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: London