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wooden fence for raspberry, red currant and blackcurrant bushes

wooden fence for raspberry, red currant and blackcurrant bushes

my husband made these wooden fences last year to give more support to our raspberry, red and blackcurrant bushes

I have to say that I've heard of disadvantages of this system. The birds see the red fruits much better and will pick them more easily. But I think that the advantages are as important: the fruits gets more sunlight and can be picked more easily, and the bushes are more contained to one area, don't take up so much space.

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Are these vines Hilda ?

9 Jun, 2010


Sorry, no. They are raspberries, red currants and blackcurrants.

9 Jun, 2010


You could still make wine with them though !!!! lol

9 Jun, 2010


Well, we're planning to make some sparkling wine with the flowers of elderberries. We've never done this before, whereas my husband used to make wine and beer (mostly English beers), but that's been a long time ago now... I'll keep you posted if it turnes out to be any good! Hik hí ík ... ;-)

9 Jun, 2010


Lol. hickkkkk!

9 Jun, 2010


Oh, I see that English people hick, whereas we simply hik ;-) haha.

HICK! ;-)

9 Jun, 2010


It should be hic, really, short for hiccup !!

9 Jun, 2010


I see. My husband is going to make the sparkling elderberry wine today (June 10th 2010, hic hic hic ccc)

10 Jun, 2010


Delicious ! I also have a recipe for elderflower cordial, scrummy.

10 Jun, 2010


Is that a liqueur then? Cordial???

10 Jun, 2010


No it is a 'juice' which you dilute with water and serve with ice & lemon !! Very tasty.

11 Jun, 2010

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