By Mochiseki

8 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
now that i love..
29 Jul, 2011
Wow! That's an incredible display!
I've never seen a display like this on this tree here in San Diego. I wish these trees were more widely grown here!
Cassia leptophylla or Gold Medallion tree (Brazilian native) is the one which is very widely grown here. There's several other common ones...most of the Cassia species which are common here are native to South America.
29 Jul, 2011
how long ago did you plant the tree in your yard. I have the pink shower tree in my yard in north park and it is growing really fast. It is now 4 ft tall. I have always wanted the tree you have but didnt think it grew well here.
16 Nov, 2011
Have seen the pics of the ones I posted?
Here's the link:
17 Nov, 2011
very nice...where were the photos taken?
18 Nov, 2011
This is just one, I've seen other large trees around.
The pic I posted is in City Heights.
18 Nov, 2011
This was planted in 2004, it is initially slow growing, it starts to grow during in April ,flowers in May, the next vegetative growth is during the rains (July to August) and becomes dormant October on wards.
20 Nov, 2011
Wow! This tree posted above was planted in 2004? What size was it, when it was planted?
20 Nov, 2011
It was a 4- 5 feet sapling, planted by my wife and guarded zealously form stray animals and naughty kids.It is now 35 feet tall and about 25 feet wide. pruned from below for pedestrian clearance. This tree starts looking ragged and untidy in winters with discolored and dead leaves stuck on the tree,the tree is leafless in the month of March- April
30 Nov, 2011
Wow!!! That's incredible! I know it's a fast-growing tree...but that's faster than any one here (that I know of, anyway). :>)
1 Dec, 2011
Most of the trees around my house were planted in 2004. The fastest and tallest growing is Grevella Robusta and the slowest is the bottle brush tree which appears to be crowed out!
1 Dec, 2011
Yes, I know Grevillea robusta very's definitely super fast growing and very messy. It also grows very tall to more than 100ft/31m tall here.
Bottlebrushes grow super fast here and are messy, also. My neighbor has a large one which make my shade house in the backyard all red.
2 Dec, 2011
Pictures by mochiseki
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That is quite a display!
29 Jul, 2011