intruder alert.
By Seaburngirl

8 Jun, 2010
a poor photo of a vine weevil in the house!!
how dare she.
well she is dead now. evil cackle...........
Comments on this photo
exactly. but what had she been laying eggs in before she came in from the garden?
8 Jun, 2010
Nasty little critters....yuk!
9 Jun, 2010
she had walked in through the porch and across the kitchen. cheeky devil.
9 Jun, 2010
Horrid things, i throw them harshly into my pond when thr fish are feeding, hee hee,
I've even been known to put them int a big sticky spiders web and chuckle to myself, while the spider does its bit wrapps it up for a tasty snack,
Revenge is sweet ,,,8~)
22 Jul, 2010
good idea teddygirl,i didnt think of that,wonder if my fish would like lily beetles too!
5 Aug, 2010
Goody Goody i hate those horrid things, i breed cockatiels and one year i noticed a hole in one of the seed pods , in my bird seed,,out came my magnifyng glass to my horror there were so many in there, next day i looked again there was twice as many, Off I marched to the pet shop, (angry) they told me there food was infested with them, to put all my bird seed in the fridge over night, then my nesting boxes were running alive with them, it took my months to get rid of them completly, I hate weevils, be careful in your house, 8~((
5 Aug, 2010
I'll avoid killing almost anything but vine weevils "we evil" I hate the darned things. I had to throw out over a thousand plants on my nursery a few years back as they were infested with grubs.
Luckily I seem to have eliminated them but I can no longer grow certain plants as the weevils move in!
28 Aug, 2010
thats hard luck anchorman.
28 Aug, 2010
It is a shame because I used to grow hundreds of astilbe every year vine weevils love them. There is a chemical which can be used to kill the grubs but it's expensive and I avoid chemicals if possible.
28 Aug, 2010
I fully understand that, Astilbes are lovely too
28 Aug, 2010
After discovering vine weevil grubs in two of my pots earlier this year , I am on the look out for these horrible nasty things, up to now the few beetles that I have seen have been squished soundly dead!
28 Aug, 2010
i look at twilight as that is when they come out to feed and lay eggs.
28 Aug, 2010
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kill the little vermin die die
8 Jun, 2010