By Sanbaz
- 12 Jun, 2010
one of 2 plants round pond just started to flower
Comments on this photo
this is the small one jem, other going mad hahah, hope yours ok, where do you have it, mine both in sun and give lots of water to
12 Jun, 2010
Mine must not be getting enough sun...Prob water them twice a day.
12 Jun, 2010
maybe jem, they do love sunshine ;o))
13 Jun, 2010
that looks pretty
13 Jun, 2010
thanx yorkshire, ive got another clump which is to big really as its near the front of border and crawling over other plants, will have to move it i think ;o))
13 Jun, 2010
they look nice around your pond...
14 Jun, 2010
thanx holly it softens the edges i think ;o))
14 Jun, 2010
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yours look a lot healthier than mine!
12 Jun, 2010