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Moth called Lily


By Neellan

Moth called Lily

Lily the pink that is :o)

Comments on this photo


pink yeah , but naturally pink lol

14 Jun, 2010


Indeed Eileen! I couldn't get a better angle to show her candystripes she is quite a size under the carport :o)

14 Jun, 2010


she looks quiet big alright

14 Jun, 2010


Not brave enough to get closer in case she fluttered in my direction :o(

Thanks for liking Aster :o)

14 Jun, 2010


Well caught pink is that for lily the pink as in Scaffold.

15 Jun, 2010


great pic,.i have a relative who calls her dads girlfriend Lilly the stink.

15 Jun, 2010


That was the idea 6d :o)
woops Suey not popular eh? :o(

Thanks for liking Hywel I wonder what Blodyn would have made of it? probably braver than me I was a scaredy cat not getting closer :o)

15 Jun, 2010


Thanks for liking Shirley and Holly :o)

15 Jun, 2010


Ooer....a beauty Neellan, I couldn't have got closer either...its making me shudder now...Lol! Think its a type of Hawk moth.......

15 Jun, 2010


Thanks Janey it was a really pretty pink but has now flown away.....phew :o)

16 Jun, 2010


Thanks for liking my pic of scary Moth Suey :o)

21 Jun, 2010


I have now discovered Lily is/was an Elephant Hawk Moth so named because as a caterpillar it resembles an elephant trunk :o)
there is a good picture on google they got closer than me :o)

Thanks for liking Lily Carol :o)

3 Jul, 2010

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