Field of Fairbanks Wild Iris
By Greenthumb

20 Jun, 2010
Iris setosa in full bloom all along this meadow near work. It is everywhere right now, and beautiful
Comments on this photo
Great series of photos Greenthumb....lovely to see.........
20 Jun, 2010
What a glorious sight! Wow!
20 Jun, 2010
Thank you. They look so great and I'm in just the right part of town this year to see a lot of them. Had to share of course. :-)
21 Jun, 2010
21 Jun, 2010
22 Jun, 2010
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Iris Foetidissima
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There are small clumps of Iris setosa growing in the woodland garden at Kew, but to see them growing wild like this in there natual habitat is a joy. Thanks for the fantastic pics Greenthumb.
20 Jun, 2010