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Don't know where this white foxglove has popped up from, self-set must have been the fairies.

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Very kind fairies :-)))

24 Jun, 2010


Good to me these gardening fairies, don't know what I would do without them. Strange I planted some salmon pink foxglove seeds directly into this border and not one of them ever appeared, the wild ones and stray ones are there but not the colours I would like, but maybe thats because I don't know what I am doing and the fairies do!! lol :>)

24 Jun, 2010


Well they do say there are fairies at the bottom of the garden!!

10 Jul, 2010


I can remember looking for them when I was a nipper lol, never did find them, always told the kids as they were growing up that the fairies rested in the tulips and when they open their flowers up the fairies leave them. lol.

10 Jul, 2010

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