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Looking down throught the Arch.....New Dawn and Albertine.

Looking down throught the Arch.....New Dawn and Albertine.

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Thats a lovely picture DD

22 Jun, 2010


Thanks Cinders, hope it will look even better next year......

22 Jun, 2010


I agree with Cinderella, absolutely beautiful!

22 Jun, 2010


Very pretty

23 Jun, 2010


That's lovely Dotty, I have both those roses but not growing together :-))

23 Jun, 2010


lovely dotty... wish baz would get my arch made A.S.A.P lol

23 Jun, 2010



23 Jun, 2010


Thanks one and all for you comments, San have you decided what you are going to grow over your arch? Annella they seem, to compliment one another, we do have two clematis with them as well, not too happy with the colour, might have to change it!!!

23 Jun, 2010


iv had a few thought dotty, i was thinking of potatoe vine or a climbing rose, not sure though, i like so much lol, any suggestions and fast growing would be good as im very impatient haha

24 Jun, 2010


If you want evergreen try honeysuckle, or clematis. a rambling rose put in this year or a climber put in this year will make good growth, and will be well away next year.....

24 Jun, 2010


thanx dotty, my honeysuckle on shed isnt doing to well, going all dry and loosing leaves, no flowers, may move it at the end of summer,

24 Jun, 2010


San they need more water than people realize, I have been watering our new one every day.......

24 Jun, 2010


i do it every day but not sure if its the winds we have had along with hot sun, not giving up on it just yet though dotty..

24 Jun, 2010


San it depends on the variety some are woodland and some can survive the heat...

26 Jun, 2010


thanx dotty, im going to chance moving it, dont think it will improve where it is.

28 Jun, 2010


Very pretty garden. I grow New Dawn also (love it)
I'd love for you (and anyone else who's proud to show off their beautiful garden) to send it in to the "Gardens Page"

Viewing gardens of others inspire us to create our own unique garden with (borrowed) ideas. Whenever I visit a garden (through pictures or for real) I always take with me a little bit of inspiration of something else I'd like to add or change in my own garden.
Watch for my next blog: A visit to the Elizabeth Rose Garden!

29 Jun, 2010


What a lovely and colourful setting DD2........... It looks so peaceful :-)

29 Jun, 2010


Thanks Louis, it is until all the relations arrive lol

5 Jul, 2010


This is just beautiful .... I keep saying that about your garden, because I just look at it & want my bare garden to end up looking something like this! Love the terracotta head planters on the arch too. Just love it, love it, love it. Have written down that link which The rose lady has given ..... I can do with all the help I can get lol.

20 Sep, 2011


Dwyllis I really don't know what to say, I am very flattered that you love the garden so much, I am sure yours will be just as lovely too, it has taken many years to get it right and we are still changing it now!! major work ahead......

20 Sep, 2011


I can't imagine what you would want to change about it lol. Such a shame you couldn't ship over to NZ the bits you no longer want! I'm sure I could make very good use of anything you had on offer. It's so nice to have so many beautiful gardens to look at & be inspired by.

21 Sep, 2011


I am never a hundred per cent satisfied always feel I could do better.

21 Sep, 2011


WOW....This is truly amazing, so colourful and tranquil... Well done DD

24 Sep, 2011


Thanks Louis, it has changed a little since this was taken.....

25 Sep, 2011

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