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The latest addition to the Diggery!

The latest addition to the Diggery!

We travelled for eight hours today to bring these lovely ladies home!

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Wow, that looks like a lot of fun... Eggs?

28 Jun, 2010


They are ex-battery hens which have reached their "slaughter age" We got them from the Little Hen Rescue near Norwich.

We have had two eggs already today!

Check out their website:

28 Jun, 2010


Lol HB. I've just put a blog on with a direct link to their web site!

28 Jun, 2010


great to see your new additions....

28 Jun, 2010


Good for you rescuing these lovely ladies....

28 Jun, 2010


They are settling in nicely, I just went out to put them away for the night and they came charging down the garden to greet me!

28 Jun, 2010


Hey Ian, which one is Shirley ? Just need to check if I'm looking ok today ... lol

28 Jun, 2010


Hi Shirley, you will have to ask Holly, she's the only one who can tell them apart! Lol

28 Jun, 2010


: o )))))))

28 Jun, 2010


Oh! & what lovely ladies they are... they are going to be so valuable to you
all those Free Range eggs, i am so glad they were rescued and not
slaughtered, they have a good home with you Ian.this is a brilliant idea, i wish
i could do it, but too much of a risk, i live at the back of fields, too many
foxes, & other Predators, i could not bear to see any animal killed...
Love your Blog Ian...: ~ ))

4 Jul, 2010


Thank you FP, no it's not a good idea when you're so close to Mr Fox and friends, unless you can build them a really secure pen?

4 Jul, 2010


We used to have 18 chickens, they were great fun. Call them and they would come running, their favourite tit bit was spaghetti. Sadly the fox killed a lot of them and then we gave the rest away because of the rat problem. I still miss them!

14 Jul, 2010


Oh Lulu, that's so sad. I think we would be devastated if anything happened to ours now!

I don't need to shout mine, as soon as I walk up the garden they come charging out of their coops and line up across the inside the gate! Lol

14 Jul, 2010


Ah bless em, I had a favourite called Mint Choc Chip Chook! They were free range during the day which is why the fox and other peoples dogs munched them.

14 Jul, 2010


That's a great name for a chook!
Our's were totally free range until Carol found one eating our dinner off the side! They now have a large pen to wander around. Lol

14 Jul, 2010

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