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Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala

Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala (Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala)

My Sumawong palm under my shade structure. It will be going into the ground soon. This palm is native to peninsular Thailand to peninsular Malaysia. Photo taken June 28, 2010.

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What gorgeous leaves !!

29 Jun, 2010


It looks very healthy.

29 Jun, 2010



Thanks! Licuala species are considered by many palm experts, enthusiasts the most beautiful fan palms in the world. : > )

29 Jun, 2010



Yes, this palm has grown 4 fronds within one year...which is extremely quickly growth for this usually, painfully slow-growing palm (1 or 2 fronds are typical growth a year).

29 Jun, 2010


What a wonderful palm palmate Love the shape of the leaves .
You never disappoint.. the palms just keep getting better .:o))))))))

29 Jun, 2010



Thanks! : > )

Well, there's more interesting palms to come. We're so lucky here in CA...we grow so many species of palms. There's probably more than 600+ species that can grow in California...however, some have very exacting climates.
For example: Ceroxylon species, Juania australis, Lepidorrhachis mooreana, prefer the cooler coastal climate around central and northern California only (there's a few specimens in S. Cal though). Then, there's the very tropical palms which can only be grown in Coastal S. Cal. (the mildest climate in CA.) like Hyophorbe lagencaulis - Bottle Palms, Veitchia species, Areca triandra, Clinostigma, Pinanga and Licuala species.

29 Jun, 2010

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This photo is of species Licuala peltata 'Sumawongii' - Sumawong, Pleated Licuala.

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