The Girls
By Heron

2 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
Ah...your "ladies".....they are looking well.....are you getting many eggs?
3 Jul, 2010
No eggs yet but anytime now, they are fun to watch though.
3 Jul, 2010
i see you have hens, r they recue ones. i have them as well . we had eggs strait away and now get bt 20 a week lol . love ur hen house as well . i have pics of mine in my gallary sumwere . take a look wen u have time. allso love ur cottage, how old is it ?have u lived there long? it looks hevenly. we 2 live in a cottage bt 160 years old. wud never live in a new build.
7 Jul, 2010
No they're not rescue hens though I feel they should be. They are Sussex and we bought them aged 12 weeks, they are at point of laying now, can't wait. The cottage is old, I traced it back but couldn't go further than 1736 when the wattle n' daub was replaced with 'brick nogging' Someone from Liverpool University told me that the timbers go back a long time before 1736. Wouldn't it be interesting if it could talk. When I bought it in 1980 I had it almost completely re-built but all the oak frame has gone back.
7 Jul, 2010
Funny how things come around, when I bought the cottage the garden consisted of six chicken sheds and little vegetation.....except brambles !
7 Jul, 2010
be interested in seeing more pics as i love old property u have it looking really nice now credit to u x
7 Jul, 2010
O I wish I had room for some chucks. They look at home now.
24 Oct, 2010
Love your ladies what a interesting story about your house, if only walls could talk, what stories it could tell.
10 Nov, 2010
I can't get used to it, I have a couple of boiled eggs for lunch and when I go out I find two more. The Girls are bigger now and look very colourful.
10 Nov, 2010
we have bt 20 or 30 at any one go lol ... you cud stand at the door an sell em lol
16 Nov, 2010
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They're looking quite at home now :-) has Barnaby got used to them yet?
3 Jul, 2010