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Disappointing dahlia today.


By Louise1

Disappointing dahlia today.

Another shot of 'the disappointing dahlia'.
This is supposedly Pinelands Princess ..... which it most definately is 'not' :-(((

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It is quite pretty though Louise.....I don't suppose you kept the packaging, so you could complain?

3 Jul, 2010


It was a Taylors tuber, bought in a garden centre nearby.
I thought i would write to Taylors and mention it .... there won't be anything they can 'do' but hey .... !

3 Jul, 2010


They might replace it if you'r lucky!!

3 Jul, 2010


I understand how you feel - I had the white form of Sollya heterophylla from Burncoose which flowered & turned out to be the blue one which I already had. One email with a link to the photos on Flickr bought the response "no problem, we'll despatch the correct one ASAP". They were good to their word, and so I now have a white one & two blue ones!
Complain. Everyone makes mistakes, it's how they're sorted out that counts.
Could just be that it has done that thing that hybrids can do and reverted back to type.

3 Jul, 2010


Is really pretty but know how annoying it is when plants aren't what they should be, had a couple of daylilies that were wrong,both from the same supplier who'd bought in from abroad and not seen them flower, both were nice surprises though, and was offered my money back but decided to keep them both, also said he'll send me a free plant next time I order, so quite happy.
So I'd complain Louise you never know they surprise you.

3 Jul, 2010


I agree, go for it. Can't say I've ever had a positive response when I've tried though....but if they don't replace or refund I just don't give them any more business.

3 Jul, 2010


Still looks beautiful.

3 Jul, 2010


I really like it though :-)

4 Jul, 2010


It's fully open now and although it's nice ...... i wish it was what i chose :-/

4 Jul, 2010



4 Jul, 2010


How strange - I've just written a blog on this subject! I do sympathise, Louise. When you buy something, you expect it to come up as what you chose!

5 Jul, 2010

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