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Nigella 'African Queen'

Nigella 'African Queen' (Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-mist))

The only plant from a whole packet of seeds...but so lovely!

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beautifull barbara ;o)

5 Jul, 2010


I'm hoping that it might possibly seed itself - that would be good, wouldn't it. :-)

5 Jul, 2010


it sure would barbara,;o))

5 Jul, 2010


I'm not expecting much, but you never know.

5 Jul, 2010


fingers crossed ;o)

5 Jul, 2010


It has three flowers on it now. Three times the chance of seeds! :-)))

5 Jul, 2010


great barbara ;o)

5 Jul, 2010



5 Jul, 2010


I tried these a couple of years ago and never got even one to germinate, it's such a pretty one, will have to try again I think

6 Jul, 2010


Gorgeous...haven't seen this one before....

6 Jul, 2010


Grindle's had the same experience as me, then - not easy plants to grow from seed! I shall have another go...maybe this one survivor will seed itself, maybe not. I can't force it to, can I?

6 Jul, 2010


Love this, have not seen it before......

6 Jul, 2010


I'd say it was worth the packet of seeds for this one lonesome fella:o))

7 Jul, 2010


I might try another packet of seeds - but they're certainly not like 'Miss Jekyll' in their germination rate!

7 Jul, 2010



Might try these meself next year. Very nice indeed.

7 Jul, 2010


I also grew Nigella 'Moody Blues' last year - I had a few plants, but their seedpods were very different from the balloon shaped ones of 'Miss Jekyll', and they haven't produced babies this year. Such a shame.

7 Jul, 2010


How gorgeous, this plant is so elegant :o)

11 Jul, 2010


Yes, I love it....I really must try again with seeds!

11 Jul, 2010

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