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Now thats what I call best of Passion Flowers 14

Now thats what I call best of Passion Flowers 14

Ok I know you might be bored now with white Passion flowers but this is the biggest yet.

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looks nice with the raindrops... and your pictures are getting better:)

5 Jul, 2010



5 Jul, 2010


They are actually not raindrops but part of the petals, all these ones have that feature.
Oh and I saw the name today it Constance Elliot

6 Jul, 2010


nice name:)

6 Jul, 2010


Mine have only began the large bud stage,

12 Jul, 2010


Well this is on my S/Sw facing wall which gets full sun and is kept a bit warm by the wall and watered regularly so i guess its got a good place on my trellis there. Seems to like it

12 Jul, 2010

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View photos by Stevietheterrible

This photo is of "Passion Flower " in Stevietheterrible's garden

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