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Dahlia "Tam Tam"


By Janette

Dahlia "Tam Tam" (Dahlia Pinnata {Pom Pon Dahlia})

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I have never grown dahlias but I have just bought one at a church coffee morning. It hasn't a name, just labelled 'yellow/orange' - I do hope its a lovely compact shape like this one :)

11 Jul, 2010


Oh Gee now that you have one .you,ll be addicted,before long you,ll be on the look out for another ..and another I just love them .....

11 Jul, 2010


I've always avoided them because of the lifting of the tubers! If I grow them in pots can I just move them into the greenhouse?

11 Jul, 2010


I,ve never grown them in pot,s Gee but I would think it would be ok to put into the greenhouse as long as you dont water them untill spring time ....
As a rule I always lift them ,but this year I am going to leave them see what happens ,well thats the plan ,but I might not be so brave when autumn comes lol

11 Jul, 2010


Now that is a real beauty, lovely dark shade.

11 Jul, 2010


Thanks TOG this one is a really dark colour, lot darker than this photo show,s

11 Jul, 2010


nice one....

12 Jul, 2010


gorgeous Janette

12 Jul, 2010


Thanks Michaella and Eileen ....

12 Jul, 2010



12 Jul, 2010


Thanks Clarice....

13 Jul, 2010


Beautiful......I have always left mine in the ground and they have been ok....I just lift the ones i want to propagate from.....The bad winter killed off nearly all my tubers...So im going to be a bit afraid to leave them this winter....But yes they can be grown in pots and over-wintered under cover and kept completely dry....:>)

14 Jul, 2010


Now I do the complete opposit...I lift them ,but for some reason ,the ones in the greenhouse went to mush ,,,left a few in by mistake and they survived outside in all that bad weather we had
...I am sad I lost all my other Dahlias ,,but it,s been fun waiting for the new one,s to flower ...I say I am going to leave them to fend for themself.s this winter but when the times comes I might not be so brave .....

14 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of "Dahlia "Tam Tam"" in Janette's garden

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