One of the many hanging baskets on display
By Crissue

16 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
Thanks Avis.....I had so many baskets, that my Hubby built a type of greenhouse, just for baskets that ran the length of the side wall of the Bungalow.....and I started a lot off in there, problem was, when I came to take them out, I had a job to get them through the door....
Since living in France, I have followed the traditional way of trailing geraniums only, but miss the full and much more interesting combinations of planting, that the UK favour....So next year new ideas....
18 Jul, 2010
I thought i would share with you some of the prize winning baskets, and Garden that was my pride and joy winner for Southern Counties Comp. in the nineties....How I ever went to work full time and do all this I do not know....
16 Jul, 2010