The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



sun sun/part sun
height 12.0 ft
width 8.0 ft
water average
growth rate average
hardiness zones 5-8(9)
soil well drained soils
flower purplish pink
seed dehiscent capsule
foliage Deciduous
fall color yellow

Shrub or small tree with numerous upright branches. 2-4" flowers from July to September on current seasons growth. Green foliage Edged in creamy white. Purplish pink flowers in the summer. i think this looks like it might the one

Comments on this photo


Wow Wow Wow, thats fab, hope it is the one. You have a lovely day too, Nannym, thanks so much, enjoy your garden, I travel every sunday to my daughter to look after our grandson for two days, when I return my inbox is usually full and it takes me ages to go through it all Lol ! x

18 Jul, 2010


ok grandmage you have a good day to, catch up soon, bye,

18 Jul, 2010


Wow this is gorgeous, I want one :-)

2 Sep, 2010


it's just opening up simba , it's a later flowering than the normal hibiscus.if and when it opens properly i will post a picture

6 Sep, 2010


Look forward to seeing it in all its glory, the colour is gorgeous against the leaves:-)

6 Sep, 2010


That is fantastic, the colour of the flowers and the lovely varigated foilage look great together;0)

23 Sep, 2010


Thank you ,Pansy ,yes again the foliage is lovely as well

24 Sep, 2010


Its quite a large growing shrub isnt it? too big for my small garden;0( which is a shame as I love it!

25 Sep, 2010


Carol the shrub is only just to the top of the six foot fence,

25 Sep, 2010


Thanks Margaret running out of room at the moment but will put on my list for next available slot lol

26 Sep, 2010

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