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This Lavender is self seeded in a quarter of an inch crack in concrete. I've left it alone and it is surviving well.

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It is amazing the small cracks in which lavender will self seed.
It has happened in my front garden between paving stones..

26 Jul, 2010


I love lavender Bob, I'm trying to get some going in my garden, guess you were lucky to get a self set one.

26 Jul, 2010


I hope you get yours going Dawn, Lavender likes soil in compost and grows on most soils wothout being overfed and stands better in dry weather. This one has had water in the morning and faces north.

26 Jul, 2010


I've seen it popping up in cracks in paving too - have often tried to tug out the little plants to put elsewhere, but never managed it successfully.

27 Jul, 2010


Thanks for the advice Bob. I've got some cuttings going so I'll mix compost and soil and set as you suggest :-)

2 Aug, 2010

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