The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Brunnera macrophylla "Variegata"


By Diohio

Brunnera macrophylla "Variegata"  (Brunnera macrophylla Variegata)

Brunnera Variegata in the hosta garden with Wood Poppy, Ajuga and Jewelweed seedlings May 2008.

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What a Fab Colour Leaf :O

19 May, 2008


Really love the leaf variegation on this one.. You're making me want one.!

23 May, 2008


love the flowers on brunnera...I just got one but it's not the nice variegated one... really love this foliage.

6 Jun, 2008


It's a pretty blue Forget-Me-Not flower Lori. I love everything about the plant ! I have another one that has a totally frosted-white leaf called "Looking Glass", but I think my favorite is this Variegata.

6 Jun, 2008


I have the Looking Glass & Jack Frost Brunners, but I think your varigated is much prettier. Is this a shade garden? MyBrunner's are being eaten by something, any suggestions.

29 Nov, 2009


Thanks Valerie2 ! Yes, this is a shade garden but it does get some morning sun. I had this plant in more shade and moved it to give it some morning sun and it's doing much better now.
If yours is in a shade garden, maybe it's slugs eating it?? You could try going out at night with a flashlight to check for slugs.

29 Nov, 2009

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This photo is of "Brunnera, Siberian Bugloss, Variegata" in Diohio's garden

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