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Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer'

Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' (Spiraea japonica (Japanese Spiraea))

I have two apparently identical shrubs - but this one always flowers later than the other.

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Are the plants close to one another? Do you suppose that it's the site that causes the difference in bloom time? I've found that the spirea I have in my front garden flower sooner than the ones in my back garden (along a fence). I think that spirea is sadly underrated. I have the Anthony Waterer...and the Goldflame and both produce a lovely show with their leaf colour as well as blossom in June and early July...then, if I prune back about a third ...I get a second flush of bloom in August. The plants withstand our long cold winters and bloom faithfully year after year with no diminution. In fact, on one or two shrubs along the back fence I've neglected to prune and they have self seeded...I had one planted on top of a retaining wall...and there are a host of little ones all down the slope beneath the parent plant. Can't abide the scent (smell?) of the Bridal Wreath Spirea though.

7 Aug, 2010


Good theory, Lori - but they're about 2 yards away from each other! Identical soil and light...very strange. I dead-head this one very carefully, as it produces aother flush of flowers from lower down the stems...while the other one is more reluctant.

I didn't prune them for the first two years we were here, and they got even bigger than the'd been already, of course - so I read up on them and cut them right back. It did them the world of good! Mine don't appear to seed themselves...I have 'Goldflame' elsewhere in the garden....and several others in various beds - including S. argutea - your favourite! (not!). I can't say that I've ever sniffed it,

7 Aug, 2010


It (argutea) is beautiful to behold...but the sweetness is just too cloying. I love long as I don't have to smell it!

7 Aug, 2010


Mine's up on a bank, Lori, so I'd need steps to get up and sniff it! It does look so pretty, though. :-))

Yes, Homebird - they must be different cultivars to behave so differently. I've checked my books with no luck.

7 Aug, 2010

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