By Alexandramou

9 Aug, 2010
I think it's some type of fern??? Really hardy, stays out all winter.
Comments on this photo
No, not rosemary...have that one. They call it an asparagus fern here in greece. Don't know the name for it in english. Will look it up. Thanks
10 Aug, 2010
You know? My first comment on this said Asparagus fern, but when I saw the flowers in your next pic, changed my comment to Rosemary!!! Yes, I do think that this is an asparagus fern!! It looks great! :-))
10 Aug, 2010
There you go. We figured it out then, Asparagus Fern it is. I'm going to put it in a bigger pot...
11 Aug, 2010
This asparagus fern is one of the biggest weeds here in San Diego, CA. They're very difficult to get rid of once established in the ground. It's best as a potted plants like how you're growing it. : > )
12 Aug, 2010
Yes you are right. My mom had one in ground.....huge. I think it's still there. This is a part of that one. It needs a higher pot to show it off better.
12 Aug, 2010
This Asparagus fern has many tuber-like roots which store water and they develop the red seeds which germinate easily even in the driest of soils.
14 Aug, 2010
ok. only for pots then.
15 Aug, 2010
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Looks like Rosemary, perhaps?
10 Aug, 2010