Tom Ducks Mum, ( for Toms friends):-)
By Bornagain

14 Aug, 2010
Brave little tom woman, off to Ascot in her fetching octopus hat. This pic was taken yesterday, how good it is to see she is able to carry on, what a lesson to us all:-)
Comments on this photo
Mrs Tom carries on ......... forrard.... forrard... once more unto the breach dear friends.......
14 Aug, 2010
Or ... as Tom Duck would have said ...
... once more unto the beach dear friends ;o) ...
14 Aug, 2010
thats where i'm off tomorrow Tt--- but it'll be an umbrella I think not a sun shade Lol---I'll look out for mrs tom in her ascot hat ((:0)))
14 Aug, 2010
Hi Pam...
Please keep your camera ready for pictures of Tom's relatives hiding from the rain ... and enjoy your holiday :o))) x
14 Aug, 2010
(I swear that you are sat in a dark lab somewhere Ba, producing these strange this Tomasina Tomato by chance? I can see how the family likeness runs in the genepool~no monder 'Tom' was such a handsome veggiefellow.....I would safe guard 'Mum' from you know who, as would hate to think she would meet the same masticated end as her beloved son.....)
Hope you keep dry young Pam whilst hoovering in Hove, oops, that should have been, hovering.....!lol. Look forward to you returning to the nutty fold when you get back, and watch out for those tomato fumes....!
Ah Terra, I think Mum Tomasina thinking wistfully back on her Salad days of her youth.....Lettuce take a moment in contemplation, Cheese reflecting on the sad plight of Tom, and take our Cue-cumber the Relish of Butter days to come, all Rolled into one, and leaving the Pickle complexities to others....Ploughmans...and here endeth our lesson for today! Tee hee hee! :~)))x
14 Aug, 2010
Great comments Flori ...
I wonder how long before Pipc finds this... ;o)
14 Aug, 2010
Knowing our Pip, it won't be long, Terra....hahaha!
14 Aug, 2010
I may hoover in hove as I'm staying with friends----- oh I do like to be beside the seaside--( even if its raining so hard you can't see the sea!!
that was a cue for a song... cheese release me by Engeltom tomatodink
Not a patch on your lovely story about mummy tom.... it'll keep me going 'til
' there are tomatoes over ---- beachy head.... xxx
14 Aug, 2010
Pam, you are keeping me on my toes over here~you are just too quick for me, I think I am going to 'up' my game with you on board! How about......
'Oh Camembert, oh Camembert, I still hear your cheeses calling..., As the price of it is falling...but we had such fun, when melted Camembert was sung by Glen Cambeltoms?
As to Tom's mums headwear, there's always:...'Oh Tom's mum has got her hat on,pip pip pip hooray! Yes Tom's mum has got her ascot hat and is going out today!' Ta da! I now await in eager anticipation, (that's somewhere south of Oxford!) LOL!
14 Aug, 2010
Yes we have no tomatoes--- we have no tomatoes today
we have broad beans like bunions
cowboys 'n injuns
and all kinds of flutes to play
but yes we have no tomato we have no tomato today----
boom ...boom...
14 Aug, 2010
of course I always liked sandie Shore---
or acker bilk playing Stranger on the Shore.......
14 Aug, 2010
even the beach boys!! see you Flori XXX
14 Aug, 2010
Ouch, ouch ouch! That was just so bad, Pam! LOL! I could always add 'Coasting along on the crest of a wave' Or 'Don 't Breaker my heart'or even 'Tide a yellow ribbon in the sand for me'....shall I go on....?lolx
14 Aug, 2010
just getting ready fo the off---but....
walking in the rain
raindrops keep falling on my head
and lastly
pennies from heaven
would prefer----- the sun has go his hat on--- or bring me sunshine
We'll sea-- we're british!!!
15 Aug, 2010
Mad....quite mad......:-)
15 Aug, 2010
Hey Hey! here I am! I would have been here sooner, but I was away for the weekend (excuses! excuses!)
I'm not a great fan of all these songs - they make me feel my age! lol!
16 Aug, 2010
I know what you mean Pip, we young ones have no idea what they're on about do we? :-))
16 Aug, 2010
No indeed Ba... sadly.
16 Aug, 2010
Oh how I wish I was older...tra la.... like the very mature ladies on here;-}
16 Aug, 2010
Oi, watch it you two! Us 'slightly more mature' ladies on here, are incredibly young at heart, almost girlish in fact, and I happen to know that Ba has just had her 70th birthday recently, as the fire brigade is still trying to put the fire out from all those candles! It actually made headline news! :~0 lol!
16 Aug, 2010
I'm sulking now:-(
16 Aug, 2010
Ah, Ba, you know that I'm only joshing you, you are a mere teenager at heart really......slightly carbon dated, but a teenager nevertheless....! Am I forgiven?? Pretty please?????
16 Aug, 2010
I'd love to know how old we all are really - but not much chance of ever finding out, eh? Exactly who are these mature ladies who drool over nonexistent Aussie surfers? :o)
16 Aug, 2010
Hello there Pip! Well if you look at my Student blog you'll find out exactly how old I am, but as to Ba, that is a closely guarded secret, more than my life is worth to tell you.... lol :~))
16 Aug, 2010
And why can't Ba just look at the Student blog?
16 Aug, 2010
Eh? Now you've confused me totally! lol, mind you it is 1am in the morning here, so it's not that difficult to!
17 Aug, 2010
Just realised it is very late over there! I am usuallly alone on this site at this time of the morning! welcome to today, hope it is a good one for you :o)
17 Aug, 2010
Thought I would keep you company for a little while before I slope off to bed....if I go really quiet, and you get an awful lot of funny words coming up on the post, you'll know I've fallen asleep across my keyboard! Mind you, there is a sleep button on there, come to think of! :~))
17 Aug, 2010
Why don't you press it, it might be a ABBAT key...
(Automatic Bed BAT) something in the way of a matress might be forwarded to you via the West Midlands BAT Travel Agency :o)
17 Aug, 2010
However tempting that sounds, young Pip, I remember the last time you pressed it and snored all the way to Adelaid! You do realise that you have just given Ba another sideline to add to her company, don't you.....?LOL!
17 Aug, 2010
Yup, sure do! I'm just teasing her now, arent I Ba, why don't you BAT me to somewhere where there is no computer? We crafty young whippersnappers are always getting into trouble....
17 Aug, 2010
I had to find the pic and read all the comments, what's wrong with me????????????????
Very fetching hat though.....
17 Aug, 2010
Don't worry, Annella, you are in very good company on here! It was all that Janey, Bloomer, Pip, Pam and Ba's fault that I got dragged kicking and screaming into all this nuttiness~guess I have a lot to be grateful for!LOL!
If you enjoy a great giggle, sparkling wit and repartee and very off the wall thinking, this is definitely the place for you, and in such good like-minded company too.... :~))
17 Aug, 2010
Pip my girl, I think you're on to something can be B.A.Travels ideas person :-) On a more sombre note.....there is bad news I'm daughter visited yesterday......all I found was the octopus hat...probably because it was green:-( I have produced a heartless monster! Let's hope she has met up with her beloved Tom ...or at least a seed of his implanted in my daughters digestive tract ..words fail me :-(
17 Aug, 2010
Forgot to say you are forgiven Flori, and commiserations to Annella :-)
17 Aug, 2010
Poor Tomasina,but its a blessing really,as she wouldn't have lasted long with that big cyst on her head...I know you were trying to keep the truth from her,Ba,and it was nice to think she went into the depths of the unknown,thinking it was her friend,Olly Octopus hat...a romance that was doomed from the start, with no chance of ever producing a little Tomolly,or sad.:o(((
17 Aug, 2010
Thanks for forgiving me, Ba, I'll slip those tenners to you when I can, ok? (Wink wink, nudge nudge)....Annella has fitted into our wacky world beautifully, another witty winsome woman into our fold, we are planning on world domination....oh, maybe as the female of the species we have already got that....ok, I'm sure we can think of something else......let me get back to you on that.....suggestions welcomed!
I can't believe that 'R' has done it again, and done away with Tomasina Tom as well.....surely this would be considered almost genocide of a whole Tom family..., Ba, what kind of monster have you allowed access into your fridge?
Masticated beyond recognition, ground into a messy pulp, just her hat left as a reminder of how brief her life amongst us really was..... :~(((((((
17 Aug, 2010
Lol Bloomer, I'll have you know it was a 'Schilling' hat, tres expensive! Flori, Tomasina was sitting on the window ledge, not in the safety of the fridge which I keep under lock and key during 'R's' visits. The silly vain woman was hoping her hat would turn a matching shade of red (her favourite colour) and ignored my warnings:-(
18 Aug, 2010
I send my heartfelt Condolences to all her family. That's the danger of sunbathing topless, you really can attract the wrong sort of attention :-((
18 Aug, 2010
Ha ha ha ha! Ba, shame on you lady, poor defenseless Tomasina, even if she met her sticky end through vanity, why wasn't there an armed guard near by just to be on the safe side? I think 'R' should have a bounty hunter after her, or maybe a kitkat, or a fruit and nut bar.....!
Topless sunbathing, Annella? No wonder she was bright red, and it wasn't just sunburn either! I can see all this ending up in the Sunday papers, headlines screaming; ''Tomasina Tomato, topped whilst topless!!'' Oh the shame, the shame...... :~((((
18 Aug, 2010
Nice to see though that from the words of a famous Tom Jones hit 'she kept her hat on'
18 Aug, 2010
LOLLOLLOL! I have fallen off my chair and rolling about on the carpet, over that one, lady you are just too fast for me! My poor dog thinks I have lost the plot!!!
Bet if poor 'Tom Duck' was still with us, he would have uttered these words on reflection,' Mama, told me not to come'. But now, wherever he and mama are, I bet they are cavorting on the 'Green green grass of home' in Tomato heaven! What a Deliah-ful thought! :~))
18 Aug, 2010
Why why why? it's not unusual!!
18 Aug, 2010
Ouch, ouch ouch, and ouch again! And here I was wracking my poor ol brain cell for any of 'Sir Tom's' songs, I can't believe I missed the OBVIOUS! Full marks to you, Annella! I am hanging my head in mortification, (that's just west of!) That is all my street cred gone in one crushing blow! :~(((((
18 Aug, 2010
So what's new tommy cat? Oooooh sorry Flori I'm on a roll :-))
18 Aug, 2010
Well, kindly get off of it Annella....I'm just about to put my head in the microwave! I am totally beaten into submission......a poorly wreck of the witty young thing I bright spark has razor sharp humour now dulled and get the general!
18 Aug, 2010
Ok, I don't think Sir Tom would have liked this conversation, Tomasina was a big fan of his and he always said 'She's a lady'
18 Aug, 2010
18 Aug, 2010
Sorry I will do some work now and leave you in peace ,sometimes you just can't 'help yourself' Tee hee hee :-)))))))))
18 Aug, 2010
I'm just pressing the 'On' button....Annella! I should be done in 6 mins!!
18 Aug, 2010
Don't do it Flori !!! Although I may be a bit too late, they made me turn off my computer for 10 mins so some new sockets could be fitted. I hope it's not RIP Flori and Tomasina :-(((((
18 Aug, 2010
I am still here Annella, the microwave door wouldn't shut as I had my head in the way.....maybe the electric oven next....?
18 Aug, 2010
Poor Ba! Condolences to you, my friend, at this tragic time... Flori, where are your poems when you need one???
Flori, what do you think youare doing? If it's any consolation, you have been much battier before! No point commiting harakiri now, when the stakes are so high? what would we do without you?
(Well some of us might yell "Hooray!" but there's no need for you to take that to heart!)
18 Aug, 2010
Can I come out of the naughty cupboard now Flori?
19 Aug, 2010
Thanks Pip, I never thought you were callous really:-)
19 Aug, 2010
Yes she is! Did you read the end bit of her post to me?...And I wouldn't mind, but it was Annella who pushed me to the brink with those....those...those...incredibly witty song titles, I am a broken woman!
19 Aug, 2010
Pretty please can I come out now,,,,
19 Aug, 2010
Go on Annella, you can come out now....but I hope you feel a smidgen of remorse for what you've done to me.....I could need therapy for months after this....! :0((
19 Aug, 2010
Ooooooh I'll be really good, I don't want to go back in there....I'd be in therepy with you
19 Aug, 2010
Ahhhhh! This could take longer than I thought!
19 Aug, 2010
Are you being mean Flori?
19 Aug, 2010
Mean?? Me?? I am the very personification of nice, how could I ever be considered mean??? (Yes, I am by the way! ):~)))))))))))))))))))))))))) x
19 Aug, 2010
And I though you would like my quick retorts :-))
19 Aug, 2010
Annella, I love your lightning speedy retorts but am gravely concerned about your extremely unhealthy knowledge of Tom Jone's biggest hits (You can get counselling by the way for that!), but you were getting them in faster than I could think of them! Please note: I actually know very little of Mr T's tracks, so think I am in a healthier mental space than if you were talking jazz standards I bet I could give you a run for your money! Tee hee hee!
19 Aug, 2010
Try me, Flori I like most music including Emo (from my daughter) and Sir Tom is because my mum was on a parr with Tomasina as far as fans go! I have to go now and do the ironing, the board has been waiting for me and the iron is yawning. Speak friend.
ps I would be good company in therepy :-))))
19 Aug, 2010
With you on board, I can't help feeling even the therapist would need therapy!! lol
Chat tom you tomorrow Tomannella!
19 Aug, 2010
I shall take that as a compliment and say goodnight Flori x
19 Aug, 2010
Your ironing awaits, lady! Chat tom xxx
19 Aug, 2010
G'day Tom jones connoseurs, Tomasina, Sir Toms, Tom Ducks, and anyb other tomato flavoured people that haunt this famed blog.
21 Aug, 2010
Today's the big day isn't it Pip? Yes, a woman of my calibre follows World news. Is voting compulsory in Oz? It's the only way we'd get a good turnout here:-)
21 Aug, 2010
If we had men that wore 'Budgie smugglers' standing, there might be a bit more interest in this country don't you think Ba :-)))
21 Aug, 2010
So we are voting for Tom Jones next time then are we? smuggling what????...I wouldn't dare say in public...!!!!
21 Aug, 2010
Budgie Smugglers Bloomer, it's what men put in speedo trunks when they are young enough to pose. I would like to see Sir Tom as prime minister for the monster greenhouse tomato party :-)))
21 Aug, 2010
Sorry Bloomer I should add that Italian men of all ages think they can wear the smugglers :-)))))
21 Aug, 2010
I Know what they are,Annella,but thought Tom could start a new trend.....speedo's are so last year,!!!
21 Aug, 2010
I know bloomer, maybe Tom should be wearing tomato smugglers. But we would still need the budgie.....
21 Aug, 2010
Anyone doing a courgette blog out there????
21 Aug, 2010
We will leave that to you,Annella,wouldn''t want Flori to come over all unnecessary...she is bad enough with young tanned bodies....
21 Aug, 2010
I could have said cucumber but I thought that might upset GOY users, don't worry I will deal with Flori :-))
21 Aug, 2010
A repeat prescription for Bromide in order for our wayward lady..and I use that term loosely..She really will have to be brought under control...!!!!.
21 Aug, 2010
Thank you Bloomer for giving me an insight to our mutual friend, I had no idea of her problems till now, apart from her obvious lack of Tom Jones info :-)))
I know, I know, I'm in the naughty cupboard again Flori (although you said corner earlier and that sounds more inviting, at least I can listen from there)
21 Aug, 2010
Voting is compulsory here, Ambi, but a record number seem to be undecided!
22 Aug, 2010
I might not be saying much at the moment, but I am taking notes you two...! :~))
22 Aug, 2010
That just goes to show you are a wayward lady....
22 Aug, 2010
I am not wayward, young Pip. (Gee, thanks Bloomer!lol) just get a little excited by all those tanned 6 packs out there, I was going to oggle, but a go go got in the way, so I'm googling instead...still sounds a bit dodgy...!
Sounds very dangerous putting a 'live' budgie in the undercarriage department of men's smalls, they could get pecked to death...then what use would they be to anyone?? Do Italian men like birds that much?? I gain so much insight from our conversations here on GoY... Like the sound of a cucumber, Annella, are we talking salads now? Why is everyone laughing? What did I say??? :~))))
22 Aug, 2010
Of course we are talking salads,Flori,and a couple of radishes would go nicely with the cucumber...see,I'm not laughing...!!!
22 Aug, 2010
Good one Bloomer!!! And Flori don't play innocent we've all heard of meat and two veg on here (well the co-respondants on this blog have for sure)
I think Italian men use toilet roll to pack out there Speedos a bit like I used to pack out another Item of clothing when I was younger,but I'm sure there are a few sadistic ones out there who actualy enjoy a good pecking....Ohhhh did I really say that!!!
Also I think we all like to 'window shop' Flori, so no harm in that. Just depends on the age you are looking at.
Shall we talk cucumbers tomoz? x
22 Aug, 2010
Annella, am glad I 'courgette' with you at long last!! Meat? Two veg? Have we now gone onto a cookery subject now? Am I being grilled, or just 'hob'bled? Thank 'oven' that you two can 'gas' about so many 'electric' subjects! Am just hoping that it all 'pans' out for you....I. on the other hand, have not been 'salad' by the obvious circles you travel in...puree-ity is my middle name! lol!
22 Aug, 2010
Short answer Flori. I doubt that very much!!! Get with it girl x
22 Aug, 2010
Cucumbers? Puree-ity? I'd like to see someone puree a cucumber...
22 Aug, 2010
Hi Pip-- I'm just pickled----- cucumbers!!!
23 Aug, 2010
It really doesn't get any better, does it Pam??
Annella~I must be the most innocent one on here~honest! I am ajusting my halo as I type!!! Can't see what all this smirking is for....though am so confused as to why we keep jumping from subject to subject....are we still talking about salads....? Where did the inebriated cucumber come into this???? I'm still!
23 Aug, 2010
Cucumber gives me really bad Indigestion but It seems to be ok when It's pickled, mind you I think everythings ok when I'm pickled.
What would you like to talk about Flori, my angelic friend?....... 0:-)))) Do you like the halo smiley I've designed for you?
23 Aug, 2010
LOL Annella, and it looks just like me too! Amazing! Can't imagine stuffing you in a jar of vinegar personally my friend, but whatever floats your boat....It is a great preservative isn't it? Erm...maybe I should try if I can just get this lid unscrewed..... 0:~))))))x Love your design so much that I am now 'borrowing' it!
23 Aug, 2010
Flori how do you do that little wavy line, where is it on my keyboard?
23 Aug, 2010
Oh now that is a technical question....let me see....If you are on a separate keyboard, it's on the left hand button next to Backspace near the top of your keypad, just below the F11 number. if you are on a laptop, it is on the Hash key on the right hand side of your keypad...did that help at all???
23 Aug, 2010
I found it!! It was hiding under a spot of dirt. Thanks Flori ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
23 Aug, 2010
Hey Ba, move over...there's another computer genius moving in.....! Glad you found it Annella, you can have hours of fun playing with that now! LOL!x
23 Aug, 2010
Quick ... quick--- look at Bamboos blog ( serious subject but look at the new babies!!!!)
23 Aug, 2010
I've seen it Pam, fantastic!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeee
23 Aug, 2010
isn't it!--- ;O)))
23 Aug, 2010
I've just checked it out too, way toooooo serious for the Nutty brigade, but wow, those mutant toms are sure getting
Annella, I think your finger is stuck.....! :~~))))
23 Aug, 2010
--- must be the funny weather... but just been looking at the peppers and the ' tasty red grill' are coming out with a distinct yellow stripe..........
hope your finger is better soon Annella
23 Aug, 2010
The novelty will wear off soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wheeeeeeee
Are you saying we shouldn't comment on the other Tom blog that's out there Flori? Shame because they do look related. Prehaps we could start up a 'Toms reunited' on here################Woooops forgot to press shift
23 Aug, 2010
I keep waiting for someone to flag us, as our humour so off the wall, but then again it could brighten someone's day out there, Annella. I don't know Bamboo, so just had a quick peek but didn't leave a comment. Think that blog could end up being one of those threads that could get heated, so I left well alone..loved the tommy pict though....!! :~))))x
23 Aug, 2010
The little ears are so cute :-)))
What happens when you get flagged, is it like a red card?
23 Aug, 2010
It means you or someone else has been offended or unhappy with the content of a blog, photo or comment. Always worth checking out the Guidelines at the bottom of this page Annella if you are ever unsure. Think most fellow Goyers take our more lighthearted blogs just the way that they are intended, lighthearted banter and a giggle.... :~)) I would hate to think that we would offend it certainly wouldn't be intentional...
23 Aug, 2010
I agree Flori :-)))
23 Aug, 2010
Am loving the fact you have come on board, you have fitted in so well my friend...! lol!
23 Aug, 2010
Why thank you Flori, I am enjoying every minute. Notice I have kicked the kids off so I can still play after work! They are not happy bunnies....
23 Aug, 2010
I made a small comment and then a sensible one ---- I like Bamboo she's a very knowledgable gardener and always gives good advice --- I just couldn't resist mentioning tom!
23 Aug, 2010
Bamboo has answered most of my gardening questions in lightening quick time and as you say Pam always gives good advice. I thought the Tom pic was a nice light hearted end to the blog (but so apt for us!) :-))
23 Aug, 2010
23 Aug, 2010
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~from me too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is fun,now what else can we do ,Annella..??????????????????????????
23 Aug, 2010
I'm in the middle of ironing Bloomer but I could do with a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Now I feel better, thank you:-))))))))
23 Aug, 2010
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Good morning all, this is great fun!!! HOw are we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's not even in the same spot on my keyboard - It's off to the left hand side above this thing ``````````````````````````
23 Aug, 2010
Ba, I'm proud to present you with the 'Bornagain's flowerpot' award, etc
Sorry for the short ceremony - just couldn't wait to get back to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
23 Aug, 2010
LOL :-))))))
23 Aug, 2010
its the new offspring we have rabbits--- they're with Bamboo but keep it quiet or they'' ll all want some :0))))
24 Aug, 2010
I did see them - aren't they adorable?? Looks like Duck Toms are out of fashion :o(((
24 Aug, 2010
--- cousins I think!!!
24 Aug, 2010
I'm bored where is everybody?
24 Aug, 2010
Troddles has put up a Tom blog today, I think more people have been reading this than we think ;-))))
24 Aug, 2010
Wash your mouth out Pip!!! How very dare you! Oooops I don't know what's happened, my lines have gone funny, maybe this will help although it's not all that~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm still the computer whiz:-)
24 Aug, 2010
Who's Troddles? I'll type it in:-)
24 Aug, 2010
Annella, just out of curiousity, why were you ironing Bloomer? Has she got all creased again?? Ba, congrats on the prestigious 'BAFPA', these award ceremonies always make me well up!
Hello Bored, how you doing kid? Troddles? Who's Troddles? :~))))x
24 Aug, 2010
Hello Flori, I gave up on Ironing her, she wouldn't keep still and kept on complaining about burns (there is no pleasing some people!) So much cheaper than Botox and very effective when the scabs eventualy fall off :-))
24 Aug, 2010
Hello there Annella! Maybe you needed to use the steam bit only, that way, you could have convinced her that she was in a Sauna.....Botox? And there was I thinking our Bloomer was a Trendy Young Thing! @@@@@@!!
24 Aug, 2010
I think nowadays even TYT's have it if they can afford it Flori :-))
24 Aug, 2010
Oh well, I'm just going to grow old as disgracefully as I can, Annella, cos I'm broke so can't stretch to having all me bits tightened, sucked and tucked! (sob!)
24 Aug, 2010
a few wrinkles and crinkles mean that you are a happy young thing who just smiles a lot---
I always think ' botox faces' look a bit like Madam Tussauds !
24 Aug, 2010
I look at myself as a loved book, much read, Pam! A bit dog-eared in places, but still a fascinating read that is hard to put down (And I know that there is a few on here that wouldn't mind putting me down, mentioning no names, Pip!)!! I may 'wax' lyrical, (Well, I am a singer after all!), but I swear I could 'melt' the coldest heart! Tee hee hee! :~))))))
24 Aug, 2010
I have spent so many years outside in the garden getting that 'weathered look' I wouldn't want to change it now :-))
24 Aug, 2010
We wouldn't want to change you either, Annella, not that we have much choice, but no, really, honest, we wouldn't, truly, scouts honour....We love you just the way you are...... :~)))))))x
24 Aug, 2010
Ahhhhhh shucks Flori :-))
24 Aug, 2010
Phew! Got out of that hole ok! Tee hee hee....
24 Aug, 2010
Thank you so much for ironing my face Annella,it looks as smooth as a baby's bum now,...all pink and crinkly,,,and goes perfectly with the new dress I bought for my hols,which is a stunning combination of "in your face"colours.
The spray starch you used is much more effective than Botox,as it enables all of my fissog to remain fixed,instead of just the forehead and eyebrows,and I don't give the game away when wanting to laugh at someone,when I shouldn't.
Shame the age spots are still there,or ,as I prefer them to be known...sun kisses. but if only you had had the foresight to add a bit of Domestos in your spray yourself a houseperson?? You have a lot to learn yet,my dear,and a TYT you will never be,unlike me,if you don't aim for perfection..All that remains to be said now is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#########~~~~~~~~~~%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$££££££££££""""""""""""""*************************^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Translate that you cheeky ************
24 Aug, 2010
In a few years time we will think the plastic face is normal and unaltered ones weird. Just as too thin is looked on as perfection now. I have noticed that everyone on tele seems to have had something done and many look younger than they did years ago, but odd. Naturally I don't need anything done at my tender age, and I feel for all you older women. Bloomer, why was Annella ironing trendy young you of all people?
24 Aug, 2010
Hmph... insulting... I'm a trendy young thing... I've never used Botox... seems to me you all forget about me, just because I don't comment as often as you lot, I'm a nobody, just another one of Bloomer's TYTs..... BOO HOO HOO!!!!
24 Aug, 2010
How could we ever forget our youthful Pip? Just because your country insists on having funny hours to ours, doesn't mean that we don't think of you often......You are probably our trendiest young thing on here!! :~))))))))))))))))))))))))))x
24 Aug, 2010
Awww thanks Flori, I feel better now, but still *sulking*
24 Aug, 2010
Lol! Now frown lines never look good on a TYT, Pip! Turn your frown upside down! :~)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))x
24 Aug, 2010
Oh yeah, yeah, alright :o)))))))))))))))
24 Aug, 2010
See~that's soooo much better....! :~))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))X
25 Aug, 2010
I'm back!!! Had to do some real work this morning, nasty old VAT return. I'm sorry Bloomer I wasn't going to say anything but Flori was asking questions so I think enough said, you know what she's like. I think I've worked out most of the translation, definitely got the last bit!! So I need to know if you are still having the Liposuction next week? My Dyson is all clean and ready :-))
25 Aug, 2010
Hello Back! How you doing?? You are just as cheeky as our adorable Pip, Annella, asking questions indeed!!! Ouch, I hear Mr Dyson really sucks...I would hate to lose our Bloomer up a hose...think of all the hard work we would have getting her back out.....phew! Don't do it Bloomer, we love you just the way you are....!! LOL!
25 Aug, 2010
You are not helping my new sideline Flori, It's good of Bloomer to let me practice on her :-)))))
25 Aug, 2010
Ah, but does she know that the last four clients you tried this out on have still not been located....the Police said it's like they've disappeared into a vacuumn!
Ta Da! LOLLOLLOL! Oh now that was Funny! :~))
25 Aug, 2010
Very funny, ha ha ha, don't tell everyone.............I'll admit to having trouble with the hair extension client, the RSPCA where just not having any of it....
25 Aug, 2010
I'm still chuckling over that oh so bad joke...I stun myself with my fast thinking at times you know...Well I had heard that Michael Bolton was once a client, and look what's happened to him...! Think you might need to stick to gardening, Annella, as one of your picts show, there is more of a 'Fuchsia' in it...boom boom! :~))
25 Aug, 2010
Your on form today Flori, watch out I'm coming with my waxing kit, do you still have any eggs?
25 Aug, 2010
Haven't checked my undergrowth recently, Annella, lol! Can't get over my neighbour's bantams moving into our garden....Am so glad that all these eggs we keep finding aren't hatching...I would be over run!!! As to the waxing...ooh. let me think.....nope, I am keeping you at arms length, longer if I can find a long enough post!!! Tee hee hee :~))x
25 Aug, 2010
You're starting to sound like Mrs Tweedy from 'Chicken Run' Flori, Can you hear the chucks saying "I don't want to be a pie, I don't like gravy"
25 Aug, 2010
Oh I LOVED 'Chicken Run'! Just glad my neighbour doesn't have a rooster!
25 Aug, 2010
I would't mind if it was Mel Gibson, a good thing to come out of Oz :-))
25 Aug, 2010
Well, can't argue with that, Annella, he is rather tas...talented, I was going to say! LOL!
25 Aug, 2010
I wouldn't even try to iron his face~~~~~~~~~~~~~~some things look better slightly creased...
25 Aug, 2010
Hellllllllllo, anybody out there? Is there something good on telly tonight I should know about? Come on girls it's not funny stop hiding. Has Ba put you up to this?
25 Aug, 2010
You leave our Ba,! I'm still here, well, more or less....
25 Aug, 2010
I've had to do cleaning I was so bored!
25 Aug, 2010
It is quiet on here today, I must admit...have had the chance to catch up with some old friends on here, and believe it or not, the odd photo or two! That is such an achievement for me recently!!
25 Aug, 2010
I'm a real member, I post photos all the time it's just a bit wet here at the moment( and that's an understatement!)
Will look at yours in a min :-)) Are you sure about the waxing? I won't charge..
25 Aug, 2010
It has been so wet here today, that my OH has just started building an Ark! Soggy gardening I don't! Oh yes, even as a freebie, your offer of waxing, I think I'll pass! LOL!:~))
25 Aug, 2010
Mel Gibson, an Aussie? I thought he was American....
25 Aug, 2010
I knew you would pick me up on that! He has lived in Oz?
25 Aug, 2010
Don't worry girls, we've still got Rolfie, and he is an Aussie....isn't he?
25 Aug, 2010
No idea, just know that he's one for negative publicity, a bit of a JC I think :o((
25 Aug, 2010
How is the Hung Parliament going over there, Pip? Are you now in Spring time?
25 Aug, 2010
Haven't you twigged that I'm not speaking to you, but I'll tell you anyway that our parliament is going fine, the three independents who decide who runs the country are trying to get the Labs and Libs to help them out, the Libs aren't having a bar of it, Labs couldn't care less about what's happening out in the country [all 3 independents are from country electorates].
Not Spring yet.. can't wait... roll on September!!!
25 Aug, 2010
That sounds even messed up than our Goverment, Pip, and that's saying something! Your Spring will arrive just as we are heading into Autumn, getting dark nights early here already and the clocks haven't changed yet..... :~(((((
25 Aug, 2010
Ughhhh that sounds like winter coming to me Pip....
25 Aug, 2010
Welll, I look forward to pictures of snow, frost and icicles!
25 Aug, 2010
And I'm sure we will be sending them soon :-((
25 Aug, 2010
I was at a pub quiz:-)
26 Aug, 2010
Oh how the other half live eh? Morning Ba, :~)))))))))))))))))x
26 Aug, 2010
Have you realised this is comment number 127 on your pic,Ba ??? that's if I can count properly...what a sad person I am,billy no mates,its cold,I 'm bored,just had to do the ironing, all creases like knife edges on Russell's trousers....down the sides..was thinking about the intricate situation of the Oz government.!!!
What else is there ?...THat's what counting comments does to a 'lady'....
26 Aug, 2010
Oh Bloomer,I had tears running down my cheeks reading your sad plight! I'm your mate, even though my name's not billy!!! lol! Yes, I too pondered on the state of the Aussie goverment, think we might have to get Pip elected, that would soon sort them out! Would this then make this post number 128 then, just out of curiousity??x
26 Aug, 2010
I've been tempted to count them girls, but only tempted........ Bloomer whats with the flat ironing? I tried to keep the only sharp creases on your nose and ears~~~~~~~~~~~~129 x
26 Aug, 2010
I think it might be Flori,but I will give you the pleasure of checking,as I am still ovecome by your concern about my lack of friendship..but,there is now light at the end of the tunnel,and it warmed me up doing all that digging..and there you were ...that little smiley face of yours waiting to welcome me as your friend...gee,thanks,Flori...
26 Aug, 2010
Go on,Annella,count know you want to..if you haven't already..!! Those creases are still there,haven't you heard of permanent pressed ones?
I have got quite used to Dr Spock ears,and they help to keep my glasses on,not a bad thing,but the nose crease has its problems....Lol.
26 Aug, 2010
You will always be my friend, Bloomer,(you know far too much about me to be otherwise!) lol! I'll even become Flori Bill, just for you hun! See? I'm positively beaming!!!
I gave up on flat ironing, Annella, I struggled to get around the doorways!!!LOL! Boom boom! :~))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))x
26 Aug, 2010
Boom Boom indeed...:o))))
26 Aug, 2010
OMG I went to lie down for an hour and look what happens, Flori stick to hoovering the flat and Bloomer we could pierce the top of your ears if it works with your glasses, would be a permanent solution, just a though.........One of many strange thoughts I have.....Often....I wonder why?
26 Aug, 2010
Ps I know i'm being nosey but who is Bill?? A secret affair??
26 Aug, 2010
136... just for reference of course. But being an accountant I would like you all to add your comment no. in future so we can keep track.
Many thanks
26 Aug, 2010
Secret affair? So that's where Janey's old negligee ended up! 137
27 Aug, 2010
What Award am I in line for Pip, O All Knowing one? 138:-)
27 Aug, 2010
139:~)) What secret affair???? You lot not heard of billy no-mates? Poor Bloomer, she thinks we don't love her...but WE DO! Lots and lots and lots! :~))))))))))))))X
Ba, let me award you the all singing, all dancing, 138 Comments Award! Yehhhh, well done my friend~any idiot can get 130,140 or 150 posted comments, but only you can receive the 138th comments trophy~speech, speech!!! LOL!
27 Aug, 2010
Wow. I'm overcome Flori:-)
27 Aug, 2010
I'm not surprised,Ba, what an achievement,..(141) got to 140 aren't sulking anymore now are you ?....your moment of triumph has arrived...Hip,Hip,Hoorah....
27 Aug, 2010
Hooooraaaay for Ba!!
27 Aug, 2010
143, I hope this has cheered her up Pip (don't forget to count, Bloomer went to a lot of trouble to do that) I think Ba is not keen on me, but I refuse to go before we have a show down and her counts are high so I think it could be some time yet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just waiting~~~~~~~Wheeeee
27 Aug, 2010
144 - keep waiting Annella LOL
27 Aug, 2010
145, Oooooooh no worries I will Pip :^)))))
27 Aug, 2010
146, We ought to give her octopus hat a name too - Paul??? Oh no that's already been taken lol
27 Aug, 2010
It's got to be a befeater Pip, do you get that?
28 Aug, 2010
No :o(((
28 Aug, 2010
whoops just realised this in comment 199,someone got some serious maths wrong!!!!!!
28 Aug, 2010
Beefeater is a Tom and the queens guardsmen at buck house, who wear big hats :-)))))
28 Aug, 2010
Did you re- count Pip?
28 Aug, 2010
No, I saw it on Ba's pics.....
Bornagain, I am proud to present you with the Truffle award for 200 comments on a blog or photo. Congratulations.
28 Aug, 2010
203, and congrats from me too :-)))))
28 Aug, 2010
Yippee !!! Once again I'm overcome, thanks Pip. Annella I think you are developing a Ba complex, of course I'm keen on you, you silly thing. You're younger than me, have a bigger and nicer garden than mine and you stole my first 'moment of glory' What's not to like?;-)) I really must take this opportunity to thank all my friends for making this possible, without all your comments, I would never have acheived this award.....well I supposed I could have...if I set my mind to it... but it would have looked a bit sad if all the comments were mine:-( :-)))
28 Aug, 2010
Would have made you look even weirder than ever my dear friend :o)
29 Aug, 2010
Would that be possible my dear little Pipkins?:-)
29 Aug, 2010
Maybe not Ba, but at least it looks like you have lots of young, glamorous, intellegent friends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeeeeeeeee xx
29 Aug, 2010
Can't I be young and intelligent even if I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~################### oooops forgot press the arrow. Perhaps not:-(
29 Aug, 2010
Ha, look how long mine is, bet you can't do that Annella:-}
29 Aug, 2010
I can do it!!!!! Tee hee!
30 Aug, 2010
That's not fair, how did you do that you young show off? Mine was accidental:-)
30 Aug, 2010
I just pressed the button for a very long time LOL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wheeeeeeeeeeeee
31 Aug, 2010
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wheeeeeeee:-)
31 Aug, 2010
Well, I don't know if I should comment or not on all this wheeeeeeeeeeeing, sounds like a severe case of Irritable Bladder to me personally, and you so young Pip! Ah bless!! Never mind, we will soon have you padded up and comfortable again dear heart...LOL! Is this the 212th comment posted Annella, you lot have forgotten to keep counting.......must be an age thing obviously....!! LOL! :~)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))<<<<<<@@@@@>>>>>>>x Yes! Flori is back!!!
31 Aug, 2010
Hello Flori, This is comment 215, how time flies when you are locked up :-))
1 Sep, 2010
Ah, Annella, I should have guessed that you would have put me back on the right track again! 216: Yes, my padded cell in Brigadoon, does suffer from the occasional time slip I have noticed....Hahaha! :~))))))x
1 Sep, 2010
OMG don't admit to remembering Brigadoon Flori! Well at least Pip will be clueless......
1 Sep, 2010
Remember it? Of course I don't remember it, it must have been on one of its many reruns on tv.....ah now Clueless, that's another film altogether, something to do with a Chiwow...Chihua....a little mexican toy dog and a rich,vain blond lawyer wasn't it??? Tee hee hee! :~)))
1 Sep, 2010
Yes I remember it......I don't have a dog.....not a lawyer or vain or rich come to think of it, BUT I am a blond~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeeeeeeeee can you tell?????????????????????
1 Sep, 2010
Well, I have a dog, and I'm modest, nay, bashful,lol, and skint, and also blond, so as Meatloaf would paraphrase...' 2 out of 4 ain't bad'! I don't wheeeee as much as you do Annella.....maybe have better muscle control!! Hee hee :~))))
1 Sep, 2010
After the little secret I told you about comandos not so very long ago Flori, I would have thought you could guess that my muscles are ok, A ok infact, 100% operational, all working very well thank there Ms Bunda..
1 Sep, 2010
Ms Bunda how nice to see you back....
1 Sep, 2010
Hello Miss Pip, Am glad I was so missed! You know that little 'secret' you mentioned to the 500,000 plus of us here on GoY, Annella? Well I've got a funny feeling that the local paper has got hold of it and it got leaked, and no, that was nothing to do with me...honest injuns!! Tee hee hee! :~))x
2 Sep, 2010
I mean noone would suspect me would they? I live in the land down under for heavens sake. You poor deluded souls!
2 Sep, 2010
Well, I did hear that it was from an international sauce...oops, I meant, source, so I wouldn't rule you out, 'specially with all the dosh they were offering...
2 Sep, 2010
Leaked? Is that a reference Ms Bunda? I do hope not....
2 Sep, 2010
Looks like it to me :o)
2 Sep, 2010
Now would I do that to you Mrs Nella? As if! for heaven's sake.....but I bet it has wetted your appetite for more info, and we did do our best to dampen down the flow of revelations, but it seems it's just going to run and run...
2 Sep, 2010
Tinkle on Flori, my waterworks are not leaky!!
On another note, can you all see the moon? Sorry not you Pip at this minute,I know you can see the sun :-))
2 Sep, 2010
If I could see it from where I am sat, I would know that there was something seriously wrong with my roof! :~)))
2 Sep, 2010
Maybe Flori, but I can see it too, I think that's nice :-))))))
2 Sep, 2010
No sweetheart, it is definitely a moon....if you can see Nice, you are in Italy!
2 Sep, 2010
I was being nice Flori, I used to say that to my kids when they stayed away at their nans. We would look at the moon while we were on the phone and feel closer to each other...hope you feel mean now..
2 Sep, 2010
I can't see the sun at the the moment, it's very wet and dreary, but spring is finally here, yay!
2 Sep, 2010
I can't even see the moon tonight Pip, but how lovely for you that spring is coming. It's hard to comprehend how far away you really are from us when we can type to each other on here x
3 Sep, 2010
Indeed I find that too sometimes, don't you wish we could all meet each other one day?
4 Sep, 2010
The grooming process is working (stroking moustache and rubbing hands together) :>})
4 Sep, 2010
Ba if we were all to meet (which I think would be very nice) don't you think Pip would be the best hostess, I know It means a long flight but Australia would be very nice for us :-)))
4 Sep, 2010
Yes Annella and I'm sure Pip wouldn't mind putting us up and keeping us in the manner to which we are accustomed. In fact... thinking about it ...that's probably what she meant to say, but being such a young sprog, she lacked the confidence. Good on ya Pip:-)
4 Sep, 2010
Hey Pip have you found my brother in law to be's carpet shop yet? We could come to some sort of deal on who puts us all up and get some cheap magic carpets thrown in ;-)))))))))))))))))))))) Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sound good to you Ba?
4 Sep, 2010
That'll do me Annella, but forget the magic carpets, I'm going by B.A.Travel!:-)
5 Sep, 2010
Ooh, is that a nice trip in the offering to Aussie land?? Don't forget me too Annella and Ba....Do you really think the Land Down Under is really ready for us all though??Pip would be the perfect host and guide, and still young enough to keep up with us party animals too.....LOL!
5 Sep, 2010
I'm supposed to be getting married in Oz when we get it sorted, do you think I could get away with us girls going and Derek doing his vows by mobile phone? Just a though.....
5 Sep, 2010
Tee hee.. LOL!
I would love to have you all, but no idea where we would put you. We have a couple of very appealing dog-cushions on the living room floor, but Frances might feel as though you'd pinched her bed [woof, woof, growl]. There is the spare room - with enough mattress space for two. There is the caravan, three can fit in there.
So who hve we got? Annella and Flori, you might like to share the spare room. Ba and Annella and myself have got to be kept apart, I'm sure you will agree, so Ba and Bloomer had better take the caravan - bring an extra blanket, it gets cold! If you would like to bring your OH to be, Annella, you could both go in hte spare room and Flori could move in to the van - but would have to share the double bed with someone. As for the dog cushion, how about calling up Rich and seeing if he would like to come along? LOL!!!! ;o)
6 Sep, 2010
See? We knew you would be the perfect hostess, sleeping arrangements already sorted! LOL! Well, I guess I could bring Raffles, he and Franny are struggling a bit with this long distance relationship lark...whaddiya think Pip?
6 Sep, 2010
Caravan will do nicely you snore, Ba?.......
6 Sep, 2010
I'm happy in with Flori, didn't really want to bring oh2be....does Raff behave himself at night?
6 Sep, 2010
No problem with Raff....sleeps like a ....well, dog really, Annella! hahaha :~)))
6 Sep, 2010
Does he snore?
6 Sep, 2010
Well he 'uffs' a bit....great security dog though, anyone who tried to break in, he would lick to death!
6 Sep, 2010
Ok, but I should warn you I do snore....thought Raffs would be my cover on that front.............................are we still sharing Flori?
6 Sep, 2010
I don't snore bloomer, but would you object to Rosie coming? If Raffles is coming, Rosie won't want to be left out. Meg can stay with her dad as she can be a bit naughty with other dogs:-)
6 Sep, 2010
Dog breath to die for on our holiday then girls, oh and Rich :-)))))))
6 Sep, 2010
I think that Pip's Franny will be in her element with all her canine overseas pals, as to your snoring Annella, I think I shall take ear plugs, industrial strength!! LOL! :~)))))))x
6 Sep, 2010
I'm sure Franny will be overjoyed to see her mate afer all these months!!! Be prepared for licks galore! (For Raff, not you, Flori!!!)
We'd love Rosie to come! I hope Rosie likes to play because Franny will be throwing out plenty of invitations :o)
Don't worry, the PipandFranny hotel provide complimentary earplugs!!! Don't forget that Mum and Dad sleep here too!
7 Sep, 2010
Oh, :~((( Why can't I have some licks too???? Hope your mum and dad have been warned that their home is just about to be taken over by a load of poms, Pip, I would hate it to slip your!
7 Sep, 2010
Tankini clad poms, give them the full picture.....
7 Sep, 2010
Lol, well I thought we'd leave that bit as a surprise, Annella, now they will be on the look out for us at Customs...hahaha!
7 Sep, 2010
I thought we were going to wear our Teletubby suits through customs? By the way I'll be Tinky winky if no one else likes purple :-))
7 Sep, 2010
You might have to fight Bloomer for it, Annella, she is going through her purple stage at the moment! She says it's an age thing, but personally I think she is connected to Royalty somewhere along the line and just keeping her blue blood lineage going... :~))
7 Sep, 2010
I thought every one was off purple, never mind, if it goes with Bloomers hair she should wear it :-)))))
7 Sep, 2010
Don't really want to be yellow:-( Isn't there a green one? I'll be green:-)
7 Sep, 2010
I'm not keen on yellow or red and I think the green is fluro Ba, I might just wear my Tankini and hide the vodka in my backpack ;^)))))))
7 Sep, 2010
I'll take the red one if no-one minds, i think Mum and Dad are going to be well and truly shocked anyway no matter what you wear "Pip, you didn't ask whether you could invite your litte friends around to play! Naughty girl!"
Bloomer, I strongly reccommend the purple... it'll match your skin.. all that blue blood plus a healthy dose of Aussie sunburn!
8 Sep, 2010
Bloomer will look very colour coordinated, I might have to rethink my outfit, can't have her stealing the limelight......maybe the yellow would look ok with my blonde locks :-))))
8 Sep, 2010
Can't I have the yellow, being the bright sunny young thing that I am? Ooooh, go on, Annella, pretty pretty pretty please.....??????????????????????????????
8 Sep, 2010
You'll look like a pretty Dahlia I'm sure Flori, especiallly with that sunburn!
8 Sep, 2010
Will need a BIG hat, Pip, I am like a delicate flower...needs lots of TLC....Would rather be pale and interesting, than tanned and used as book leather, LOL!x
8 Sep, 2010
Why don't you ask - nicely - whether you can borrow Tomasina's Octompus hat?
8 Sep, 2010
I rather like that 'leather look' .......
Pip I think Flori's head is too big for for Tomasina's hat, I will ask Ba to knit her a beanie or maybe a balaclava :-)))
9 Sep, 2010
Poor Ba still grieving over Tom D and mum, so bit indelicate to ask so soon after such a loss whether Tomasina's hat is available or not...As to the size of my can go off of some people really quickly you know ANNELLA!!! lolx
9 Sep, 2010
I'll have you know Annella that Flori has an abnormally small head, like a ping pong ball!! There I've told her Flori, you can rely on me, I'm your friend :-)
11 Sep, 2010
Pip ....Pip.... are you awake.... its nearly time for Hywel next award .!.!.!.!.
can't remember what it should be....
11 Sep, 2010
What size is her brain then Ba???
11 Sep, 2010
Absolutely huge! Well, I keep you on your toes, don't I, Annella? lol!x
11 Sep, 2010
My lips are sealed:-)
11 Sep, 2010
And there was I thinking you were my friend, Ba! Huh! I'm off to find Bloomer, if I start swimming now, I am sure to catch her up! lol!!
11 Sep, 2010
I am Flori, don't go...I'll tell everyone your head is just the right size:-) I wonder if anyone else is going to Malvern? :-))
11 Sep, 2010
I bet Bloomers having a lovely time. Are you girls going to Malvern?
11 Sep, 2010
What's Malvern and why are we all going there?
"Start swimming Flori - You might make it to Australia!"
12 Sep, 2010
Malvern is a place where grown ups go Pipkin:-) Sunday is when we're going Annella, well I suppose Floris going may depend on Raffles?? I'm going by coach with my daughter and 2 grandchildren, lots of good food there this time too. At the spring show I had to buy 2 trollies to get my plants home, I have a little list this time too lol:-))
12 Sep, 2010
Oh, is it a night club? I can just see you all boogieing down to DJ Aphid, snacking on the free peanuts....
12 Sep, 2010
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14 Aug, 2010