Lupin 23rd Aug '10
By Motinot
- 23 Aug, 2010
Comments on this photo
Nice Lupin Motinot. A friend has given me some lupin seeds so will have to look up when to sow them ;-)
30 Aug, 2010
I grew this from seed last year Clarice and it flowered late this year...Its now in the maybe it will flower earlier next year...It had only one other flower....You could sow the seed early ..say, jan or feb indoors on the surface of a good free-draining seed compost...sprinkle some vermiculite on top and keep warm..... Richard....(not you..the seed lol)
30 Aug, 2010
Ha ha Motinot! I am sure you could keep me ;-)... and thanks for the info.
31 Aug, 2010
Now! now! Richard.....ha!ha!
31 Aug, 2010
1 Sep, 2010
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Is that second flush.
23 Aug, 2010