`Sedum `spectabile

30 Aug, 2010
It is lovely to see these plants, late Summer bringing, lovely colour
to the garden...
Comments on this photo
I still have to make my mind up on this one...I have just the 2 in my garden and flowering..
31 Aug, 2010
I agree mine are at a similar stage to yours, should draw in the butterflies as they open up;0)
31 Aug, 2010
So do i Motinot..like i said, when everything is dying off, this comes into its
own & of course with our dear old Buddliea`s...
Cazzalyn, what is it you have to make your mind up about? They are a bonus
for the Bees & other Insects in late Summer...the only grudge i have is they
have to be staked early, otherwise they can fall all over the place, making them
look untidy...: ~ (((
31 Aug, 2010
Have you got yours staked Pp? I would never be without these late flowering
plants...they are a must have...: ~ )) So you are like me Pp cannot wait
for them to start blooming!!!
31 Aug, 2010
Just beginning to colour up....I think they are later this year, do you Fp?
31 Aug, 2010
I seem to think most of my plants & Shrubs are not blooming or flowering
when they should do..some are flowering very late too, seems very weird
Janey!! Mind you, the Seasons are changing so much lately...look how cold
it is now? Warm during the day, very cold at night!!!
31 Aug, 2010
Yes.....today has been so hot, yet when a cloud has crossed over, the air has been really cold....dreaded winter is on its way Fp......I wonder how to fill the long evenings do you?
31 Aug, 2010
I do not want to think about it Janey!! At the moment i am digging my
Borders, taking out all the old Shrubs, planning to put new ones in their place
but, at the moment, just leaving soil to the weather..plus, deciding which
Shrubs & plants to put in these places? Its such good exercise, this digging
Janey! No need to go to the Gym lol Yes, trying to get the garden sorted
before the dreaded Winter is upon us...: ~ ((( As for the evenings, well
i do not know Janey! The Winter evenings always seem longer to me...
Why, is it that Summer goes so quickly? Winter seems that much longer!!!
31 Aug, 2010
You sound to be very busy Fp, with lots of new plans, today we have been pruning a Eucalyptus tree, which had nearly got away....Lottie has been having a field day with chasing the wheelbarrow and barking at all the branches as they fell...Lol!
31 Aug, 2010
It is your fault Janey...seeing your Borders packed with beautiful plants & Shrubs, i thought i will give some of my Borders a change with few Shrubs
& lots of plants...i will have to put a lot of work into the soil, because i have
noticed most plants need more free draining than Shrubs.. at 1 time i only
had Shrubs in the garden, thought too much work in plants..but gradually, as
time went by, i have grown very fond of plants, so i have been adding them
more & more, some of them so stunning!!! It is so hard, when you have to
do all the work on your own, my Hubby, is not into gardening....just loves
Grand Prix Racing & Electrical Gadgets...as long as he can sit out in the
garden, with a drink in his hand, sometimes having a snooze.lol
he is contented..mind you, Janey he does deserve it, works very hard!!
I do love Gardening, always have done, as a child, do not know what i would
do if i could not have a garden...: ~ (((
31 Aug, 2010
It is a good thing you remember to prune this janey! The Eucalyptus can grow
to such a height if left...i think it is a lovely tree if looked after, the colour seems a lot better if pruned....everything is exciting to Lottie, whilst being so young, all they want to do is play lol...it was a lovely today, to be in the garden
especially for little Lottie, who was in her way trying to help you,whilst
enjoying the sun : ~ )))
31 Aug, 2010
Freesia just thought I would tell you of a little tip I picked up from GW if you cut back your Sedums the week of Chelsea Flower show they will grow strong and sturdy and wont need staking, I tried it and its worked!!
1 Sep, 2010
Thanks for that advice Pp..i will try that this year....: ~ )))
2 Sep, 2010
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I love Sedums....:>)
30 Aug, 2010