Strelitzia reginae - Bird-of-Paradise at the San Diego Zoo
By Delonix1

10 Sep, 2010
A close up of the Bird-of-Paradise flower. Photo taken Sept. 9, 2010.
Comments on this photo
I agree with David
10 Sep, 2010
Really pretty! Because of the low humidity, they rarely show more than two "plumes" at a time, here in the desert!
10 Sep, 2010
David, Yorkshire:
Thanks so much! : > )
11 Sep, 2010
Thanks! That's amazing to have only few flower spikes on these very spectacular -- although very common shrub.
11 Sep, 2010
Oh, we get plenty of flower spikes, but each beak only winds up with one or two feathers attached at a time--they fade as fast as they open. I don't actually know what the cause is, but I've been blaming the humidity because they bloom during our cooler months, so it's less likely to be the temperature.
11 Sep, 2010
It's probably not the low humidity. In Southern California the humidity can drop down to the singles digits during Fall and Winter due to Santa Ana Wind conditions...and they still bloom perfectly.
13 Sep, 2010
Hmm. So there's another mystery! So much to learn.
13 Sep, 2010
Possibly soil conditions...or soil pH, maybe?
15 Sep, 2010
Maybe, though I try to correct for that. You probably know how hard it is to deal adequately with alkaline, highly buffered, salty soil! They do it in containers, too, so I still have my doubts....Maybe the greater difference in day and night temps?
15 Sep, 2010
It could be the big difference in day and night temps...or a combinations of many factors.
16 Sep, 2010
Excellent photo, excellent flower, top notch Palmate. : > )
16 Sep, 2010
Thanks! : > )
It's such a commonly planted shrub here. I still love them!
16 Sep, 2010
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Stunning shot!
10 Sep, 2010