Boulevard Cuttings
By Anchorman

13 Sep, 2010
take approximately 250 boulevard cuttings a year. The cuttings are about 5cm long and are potted into 7cm pots containing 3 parts compost to 1 part horticultural sand. I don't use rooting hormone as these root so easily. Boulevard are one of the easiest plants to take cuttings from. I can do 200+ an hour. Years ago when I was a full time nurseryman I would grow 10000 a year.
The large boulevard in the photo was taken as a cutting 2 years ago,over wintered in an unheated coldframe and potted on into a 13 cm pot in Spring last year. I should have sold it last year in September so it's somewhat pot bound and not in perfect selling condition but somehow it hid itself from me!
Comments on this photo
Gosh that's a lot of trees ...
13 Sep, 2010
Do you cover them as cuttings,Poly tunnel or like to raise humidity
Ignore the first part I can see what you do i looked at this Picture first
14 Sep, 2010
Most of the tghings i take as cuttings don't seem to require a raising of humidity although in very hot weather I do make sure the atmosphere inside the frames is damp by watering lightly once a day.From my experience far more cuttings fail due to over watering/over humidity and subsequent rotting ioff than die from being a little too dry.
14 Sep, 2010
Thanks Anchorman
14 Sep, 2010
Wow.....I always thought it was so difficult to take cuttings of conifers Anchorman....this is such good infomation...I'm going to ask OH if he'll make me a cold-frame....:o))
20 Sep, 2010
Many conifers take easily from cuttings. Boulevard is probably the easiest but most others are worth a try. Some can take six months to root though so patience is a virtue.
20 Sep, 2010
Very interesting to see all these baby trees :o)
... and fascinating to compare with the 2 year old Boulevard...
...added to favourite photos for future reference ...
13 Sep, 2010