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I was saying I had a Cordyline in the front garden and suddenly wondered if it was or is it just a similar plant to one. Anyone tell me? Anyway, it's competing with the weeping willow but we don't have a winner as yet.

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It is definitely a cordyline Bellflower, I have google it and saw some the same as yours, I cannot see mine getting extra trunks from anywhere, as they are all so straight, I would love one of them to have more than one on a tree, I feel it looks more tropical that way.

1 Oct, 2010


I agree Michaella, there were actually 4 trunks now I've had a closer look. The biggest was lopped off to make a bit of room for the willow and as I said that is the one Geoff turned into a bird feeder on the back garden. It is no trouble except for all the leaves which fall badly all over the front sometimes.

2 Oct, 2010


PS Don't be too sure, theymay come as it ages.

2 Oct, 2010

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