Ficus elastica 'Decora' - Rubber Tree
By Delonix1

2 Oct, 2010
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This rubber tree is an example why not to plant this tree close to a telephone pole. It's approximately 80 feet/ 25 meters tall. and probably has a 50 foot / 15 meters plus spread. All the growth is on one side of this tree. I estimate the age of this tree between 50 and 60 years. Photo taken Oct. 1, 2010 in San Diego, CA.
Comments on this photo
I was going to say the same thing in the next photo...which shows all the damage to the sidewalk, fence from this tree. It's really sad because so many beautiful Ficus trees have to be cut down every year because they destroy home foundations and get into the water lines.
Ficus macrophylla - Australian Banyan tree is even worse...because it grows faster, larger and has more surface roots.
2 Oct, 2010
Absolutely correct ... the Banyan tree is amazingly destructive!
3 Oct, 2010
It's only destructive when planted in the wrong spot. It's not the tree's fault; it's the people who plant them incorrectly. I guess that's what makes me so frustrated when I see one of these old majestic beauties cut down. Most large Ficus species have an extremely long life -- some supposedly reported to live more than 2,000 years.
3 Oct, 2010
One new interest Andy,I 've gotten into are the various F.elastrica cultivars like variegata and Ruby. Both stay shrubby. At least in the bay area I know for sure. In soucal photos show them at best as small tree's. A large 'Ruby' would be a traffic stopper. My walmart plant from July was a 3" potted plant with little in September its in a 10" nursery pot with the large red leaves. Try one!
21 Sep, 2014
The San Diego area has some of the largest and oldest Ficus species in the U.S. ...yes, even larger than in South Florida. :>)
The San Diego Zoo has the largest Ficus watkinsiana in the U.S. It was moved 12 years ago to a new location. It's the largest known tree to be moved in the U.S. It took about a month to move it. The tree unbelievably didn't loose any leaves like what was predicted. It actually kept on growing (Ficus: truly amazing trees!)
This is the F. eleastica 'Decora' that I spoke of which is lifting the fence, sidewalk and garage. Mostly likely it was planted in the 1920's (based on the age of the house).
22 Sep, 2014
Wow that is big as Bernieh say belongs in big spaces like parks. Like most trees even Acers classed as a small tree it needs containing for the space you have to accomidate it.
12 Jul, 2017
The lower half grows dense...the upper half has opened up. Interesting.
12 Jul, 2017
Yes, these trees are really only good for large properties and parks and the zoo.
It can be trimmed to a smaller tree. You still have to be very careful on the placement, though.
13 Jul, 2017
Yes I can imagine Andy you have to be careful where you plant them . You can call me 3d if its easier or Dawn even Penny like
13 Jul, 2017
Ok, I'll call you Penny like Stan. lol!
13 Jul, 2017
The section which is dense is cut back away from the powers lines. It's very difficult to see the whole tree in this photo. It covers a huge area in circumference. It's most likely 30' or so taller than that 50' telephone pole. This tree is much older than I originally stated. Most likely it was planted in the 40's or early 50's...probably not 20's.
13 Jul, 2017
13 Jul, 2017
Ok,I see that now. Oop,I had put too much thought into it!
13 Jul, 2017
The photo is not the best.
15 Jul, 2017
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These trees are horrid for gardens ...they belong in huge parks where they can't do any damage.
2 Oct, 2010