Death of my Red Banana.......
By Dottydaisy2

4 Oct, 2010
Saturday I took some of the shredded leaves off the banana plant.....big mistake!! during the night we had very heavy rain and strong winds..........this is what I found the next morning, oh well onwards and upwards :-(
Comments on this photo
Loved your blog, rushing out now to see what I can in hand! They are great pics
4 Oct, 2010
Oh Dd .. what a shame , will it come again next year ?
4 Oct, 2010
You took the words out of my mouth, Amy! I hope it will survive - such a lovely colour.
4 Oct, 2010
Oh Daisy I missed the title..not really dead is it?? Can you not put couple stakes in and tie leaves up for a while (like a splint) and see what happens?
Did it with a Yukka plant once and it worked.
4 Oct, 2010
Amy I think we will have to buy another one it has broken off at the bottom, and we cannot leave it in the ground as it is very tender, so will look out for a small one to nurse through the winter.
Tetrarch glad you enjoyed the blog......
4 Oct, 2010
that's sad :-(((
5 Oct, 2010
Wow! That must have been some storm. So sorry to hear about your banana!
I've had bananas blow over many times...but, they're usually loaded with many heavy bananas.
5 Oct, 2010
5 Oct, 2010
Thanks Delonix, would like to grow the plant that produces bananas, cannot imagine it would do much in our climate though.
5 Oct, 2010
will you take it up and pot it dotty,, what a shame ;o(
5 Oct, 2010
You're probably correct. Banana plants need 13 - 16 months of frost-free, warm weather to produce the flowers...then the fruit takes between 3 - 5 months to ripen.
I have 6 banana plants with fruit right now at different stages and representing 3 different varieties.
5 Oct, 2010
Not sure it will make it San......Del how lovely have you got any pics please would love to see them.......
5 Oct, 2010
You would be surprised how quickly bananas come back after they've blown over (as long as they haven't flowered yet). My Mysore banana blew over last year around this time of year...and I cut the top it has a huge bunch of bananas.
I'll be posting some new pics soon. I've have posted some a couple of weeks back.
5 Oct, 2010
Will check them out.....
6 Oct, 2010
I posted 3 of my 5 banana stalks (which have bananas) today. : > )
7 Oct, 2010
Found them thanks, so impressed.
7 Oct, 2010
Now, I'm waiting for my Ice Cream banana to the plant is 20 feet/ 6.1 meters tall already. Luckily, it's a wind-tolerant banana. : > )
8 Oct, 2010
What a shame Dottydaisey2............ I have brought my banana plants in La Taverna for protection, until next year.... My word what a thought hey, now we have all these Winter months to come...!!! Good luck :-)
10 Oct, 2010
Del, your ice cream banana sounds delicious!! and 20ft already? lucky you not having to bring them indoors for the winter.
Louis do you mean you have taken them inside your house or shed/greenhouse ? have decided to leave the Musa Basjoo outside and cover it up, and the ginger lilies.......
10 Oct, 2010
Ice Cream bananas are very delicious, tasting like ice cream. The banana plants here will start slowing their growth by January...typically only 2 leaves a month for Jan and Feb. (depending on weather) not the usual new leaf every 5 to 8 days during spring - fall.
11 Oct, 2010
How marvellous to be able to grow so many exotic plants, perhaps with global warming we will be able to try more exciting pants, although after last winter, I do have my doubts!!
11 Oct, 2010
Yes, it's pretty nice to be able to grow many exotics plants from around the world. The mild subtropical climate here in San Diego allows me to grow so many very tropical plants...however, we do have our limits. Many of the ultra-tropical plants do not grow or don't grow very well.
12 Oct, 2010
I have put our palm the Trachycarpus fortunei in the jungle and also a Yucca Gloriosa, hoping for a milder winter, I believe the Chaemorops Humilis is fairly hardy one so not sure whether to risk that one too.
12 Oct, 2010
Luckily, Trachycarpys forntunei, Yucca gloriosa (which are all blooming here now) and Chamaerops humilis are very, very hardy trees.
13 Oct, 2010
So you think I can get away with planting these out in our jungle Delonix?
13 Oct, 2010
I know that these palms are some of the hardiest known in the world. Yucca gloriosa is hardy to at least 14 degrees F./ -10 degrees C. (from what I've read) Of course, we never get temps anywhere near this low I can't confirm it.
14 Oct, 2010
When we moved we never had a frost here for the first 6 it came as a big shock I can tell you.
14 Oct, 2010
If you don't get much frost should have no problems growing the plants above. They're all very hardy.
15 Oct, 2010
Delonix we never used to, but we do now, in fact a frost is forcast for Saturday night.
15 Oct, 2010
Wow! It seems very early in the season for a frost you typically get a frost so early?
15 Oct, 2010
No not as a rule, a ground frost is forcast, it was cold last night and the elephants ears have wilted already.
17 Oct, 2010
Awww! The poor babies!
17 Oct, 2010
17 Oct, 2010
Hopefully, the elephant's ears will perk up soon!
18 Oct, 2010
They look very sick and floppy.
19 Oct, 2010
I'm guessing they need to wait until early spring to recover?
20 Oct, 2010
Looks a sad banana tree DD2, I brought my ones to the La Teverna for protection, and they are still looking fine.....Keeping my fingers crossed !!!!!
By the way, had a shock to see the "new" GOY....all green lol
24 Oct, 2010
Louis have you been away, you missed the lovely blue page lol
Have taken a baby off the Musa and my other banana and they are now inside the garden room with 65 other tender plants, the red one has been taken out of its pot ( it was buried in the ground in a pot) not a good the moment it still looks rather sick, if it does not recover I will have to buy another one.....
24 Oct, 2010
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Oh shame Daisy..and its such a lovely day here today. Hope not raining where you are..poor thing looks like he's drunk!
4 Oct, 2010