My Plumeria rubra 'Thai' - Thai Plumeria
By Delonix1

6 Oct, 2010
I call this Plumeria "Thai"...because my previous neighbor who gave me the cutting years ago originally got their cutting from Thailand. Photo taken Oct. 4, 2010.
Comments on this photo
I have to agree meanie superb ....
6 Oct, 2010
Meanie, Mushybanna:
Thanks! Today it has even more flowers open. : > )
6 Oct, 2010
It is always the same. We see something wonderful flowering in our garden and just can't wait to photograph it, then two days later it looks even better!!
Looks fantastic anyway Delonix1.
6 Oct, 2010
that is just outstanding,
6 Oct, 2010
oh oh oh oh wow......This has got to be my most favorits pic ever Andy its so beautiful........
6 Oct, 2010
Thanks for all the terrific comments! : >)
I've posted a new photo of this Plumeria in full bloom today.
7 Oct, 2010
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Truly, truly lovely!!
6 Oct, 2010