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Citrus maxima - Pomelo

Citrus maxima - Pomelo (Citrus maxima - Pomelo)

This Pomelo tree was growing on the grounds of the Marston House. The fruit probably won't ripen until around Christmas time. All Citrus grows well in San Diego and is widely grown commercially all around the country. Photo taken Oct. 7, 2010.

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Dont know anything about pomelo..not sure of size but looks like a lime in colour and a grapefruit in shape..

8 Oct, 2010



It grows to the size of a cantaloupe. It's also the largest citrus fruit known...and ripens to very light yellow or light green.

8 Oct, 2010


If I recall correctly, the skin is quite thick, and it has a taste a little like watered down grapefruit?

8 Oct, 2010



Yes, the rind is very thick. The flavor is different from a watered down grapefruit. It just depends on the can be sweet or somewhat bitter and acidic.

8 Oct, 2010


Grapefruit are actually the result of an unplanned cross between a sour-acid pummelo and a sweet orange popular in the Caribbean at the time. On my dream list is to someday cross a sweet pummelo variety with a 'Trovita' orange, and see what results.

11 Oct, 2010



That would be an interesting cross.

11 Oct, 2010

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