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There are so many Spiders in the Garden at this time, and they are
feeding well too?

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Got plenty in my garden..

11 Oct, 2010


Are they as big & scary as mine Deida? lol..

11 Oct, 2010


Great photo. I love them.

11 Oct, 2010


I can imagine that you would think nothing, of handling a Tarantula Dawn lol
i love seeing Spiders in the garden...but oh! so different if they are in my
Bedroom at night....but i would never harm them, i have a long plastic
container that you can place the Spider in, which i do...then i take it to my
garage, & let it go on its merry way, do not place it outside in the garden as
it is getting too cold now....

11 Oct, 2010


Ha ha Free, you're right, a tarantula could crawl all over me and I wouldnt mind, as long as it didnt bite. Now snakes and mice - I'm frightened of those.
I go to great lengths too to rescue spiders, moths etc.

12 Oct, 2010 make me go all cold with that remark Dawn lol
You are so brave...i love Spider's as much as all the wildlife, would not like
any harm come to for letting them crawl over you, that is a bit to
much for me, they move so quickly, you do not know where they can end up
going lol...i am so glad you look after their welfare Dawn, you are so warm hearted, i believe, if a person loves all of Gods creatures,no matter what they are, this means they are lovely & gentle people to know.... : ~ )))
Just, because, you fear Snakes & Mice, we all have our phobia's...i am sure you would not harm them at all?

13 Oct, 2010


Hi Free, your words are very kind, you're right, I couldnt harm any creature :-) If spiders do crawl around, best to keep your mouth closed, lol.

13 Oct, 2010


I will heed that warning Dawn lol...

13 Oct, 2010


ha ha Free x

13 Oct, 2010

19 Oct, 2010


Sure is Deida....i always believed that we swallow so many
whilst sleeping....urrgh what a thought!!! I was told it
is an old wive's tale.....mmm..i wonder?

19 Oct, 2010

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